main objectives to be pursued with a new plan of roads in the center should be:
* Return to the core of the city, a place that has always represented the focus and the relationship between citizens and of welcome to strangers, a better standard of living as now happens from time to all the historical centers of cities di tutta Europa e del mondo civile.
*Liberare gli immobili ubicati nel centro storico dalla morsa dell’inquinamento atmosferico ed acustico prodotto da eccessive concentrazioni del traffico veicolare al fine di rilanciarne il ripopolamento, offrendo ai residenti particolari agevolazioni per l’accesso e la sosta all’interno della città.
*Creare i presupposti per una diversa concezione delle attività commerciali da adottare nel centro storico, più in linea con quanto avviene altrove e meno legata alle vecchie abitudini notoriamente poco produttive.
*I criteri adottati dovrebbero fare in modo di salvaguardare le entità commerciali e produttive che operano all’interno delle zone interessate dal riordino della roads, so they do not have to suffer economic damage.
* Return to the core of the city, a place that has always represented the focus and the relationship between citizens and of welcome to strangers, a better standard of living as now happens from time to all the historical centers of cities di tutta Europa e del mondo civile.
*Liberare gli immobili ubicati nel centro storico dalla morsa dell’inquinamento atmosferico ed acustico prodotto da eccessive concentrazioni del traffico veicolare al fine di rilanciarne il ripopolamento, offrendo ai residenti particolari agevolazioni per l’accesso e la sosta all’interno della città.
*Creare i presupposti per una diversa concezione delle attività commerciali da adottare nel centro storico, più in linea con quanto avviene altrove e meno legata alle vecchie abitudini notoriamente poco produttive.
*I criteri adottati dovrebbero fare in modo di salvaguardare le entità commerciali e produttive che operano all’interno delle zone interessate dal riordino della roads, so they do not have to suffer economic damage.
An obvious obstacle to the achievement of an adequate solution to the problem is the momentary lack of perimeter parking areas designed to accommodate the vehicles of residents who need access to the core of the city. It is clear then that it is now necessary to allow access to the historical center of the vehicles of tourists, offering them the possibility of short stops for the processing of fast or rapid buying practices. It is also clear that this requirement can and should be restricted to morning hours.
In light of the above, the draft plan for the road submitted by the municipal associations to , which can be read in full by clicking on the link below . html
In light of the above, the draft plan for the road submitted by the municipal associations to , which can be read in full by clicking on the link below . html
effectively addresses the issues described above briefly introducing:
a-ZTL (restricted traffic only authorized vehicles, including the then-residents) of two types, one in time slots which can be divided into rooms, and a permanent (0-24) that affects mainly minor roads, (see Table 1)
-Region 30, where access is prohibited to heavy vehicles and where the pace must be contained in the limits compatible with the presence of pedestrians, (the historical center)
-the creation of an alternative route to the course consists of the axis of Via XX Settembre Lapis (now split into two sections at Via Source Dome);
-a mesh of pedestrian areas (AP) extended to the so-called "cantons" permanent (highly integrated by ZTL 0-24) through which it also seeks to build a pedestrian path that crosses the entire city from east to west by encouraging continuity with the pedestrian walkways from the areas of expansion, in particular from the bridge of Via Mameli on Burano.
At a later stage this could also be identified the ZTR (traffic residential areas) which should be removed from all the traffic components are not strictly local, recovering the conditions of full safety for pedestrians and cyclists. The ZTR would be introduced first in limited and very limited and on a purely experimental and, in case of satisfaction of citizens, extend not only the capital but also to certain fractions or portions of them.
was also followed the concept that, as the public land is a common good, in order to stop the use of private cars should be favoring the rotation of temporary employment in the area. To this have been identified within the center storico aree di sosta a pagamento ed aree di sosta a disco orario. Non esistono quindi nel centro storico, salvo qualche eccezione, stalli di sosta libera se non nei giorni festivi.
Ecco come i quotidiani locali hanno titolato la notizia dell’incontro sul tema della viabilità avvenuto il 9 ottobre fra l’Amministrazione comunale e le Associazioni di categoria: “Traffico e nuova ZTL: al via…i primi litigi” (Il Resto del Carlino) oppure “Nuovo piano del traffico: prima i parcheggi, poi la ZTL” (Il Corriere Adriatico). Praticamente hanno evidenziato una ferma opposizione delle associazioni di categoria (o meglio della Confcommercio, unica presente) the implementation of the plan proposed by the municipal authorities. Would be required "essential findings on traffic flows daily and hourly in the center" and the reference to the discussion of the new traffic plan to "after this analysis has revealed what the need for new parking to be activated." So trade Associations any constructive proposal, but only critical and trivial excuses to postpone once again the problem .
IMHO the plan proposed today highlights the following issues :
1. penalty of the residents in the area west of the historic center (Shooters, by Luzi, Tyrants and off via Purgotti) for excessive channeling of the north-south through traffic in that area (where, however, were identified, the only free parking stalls present in the center) in addition to the suppression represented today by the north exit sacrificed although useful two-way street Luperti.
2. criminalization of all residents in the historic center with the removal of almost all parking areas are free, solution, this, which is desirable only when they are ready the parking area of \u200b\u200bthe former Agip and the gym door Massara.
3. inadequate supply of spaces for parking vehicles of non-residents during the hours of open ZTL;
The first problem could be resolved by making the following variations:
- reverse the direction of Via Purgotti tract and viable way of Bonclerici;
- exclusion of Via di Porta Vittoria and Piazza Nicholas IV to allow the ZTL ' access via Purgotti;
- introduction of the LTZ 0-24 in via Mazzini and the stretch of road Luperti adjacent to the church of San Bartolomeo,
- maintenance of two-way traffic throughout Luperti away, with an emphasis on allowing the free viability for anyone staying in the area between the square of the Seminar and Course XX Settembre and introducing the ZTL 0-24 for those rooms Corso towards Piazza XX Settembre Seminar;
The second problema si potrebbe risolvere mantenendo l’attuale stato di fatto per le aree di sosta fin dopo la realizzazione dei parcheggi in programma.
Al terzo problema si potrebbe ovviare individuando ulteriori stalli dove consentire la sosta a pagamento in piazza Matteotti, in piazza Nicolò IV e nelle strade adiacenti. Spazi che possono essere individuati dove ora sostano abusivamente, ogni giorno, le auto e dove solo saltuariamente gli agenti di Polizia Municipale intervengono elevando le multe. In tali spazi però dovrebbe essere interdetta la sosta nelle ore di applicazione della ZTL. In tal modo si eliminerebbe anche il pessimo principio di imporre dei divieti senza poi farli rispettare.
Rimane il fatto che le Autorità comunali seem unwilling to adopt the plan without the endorsement of the associations and that these were hostile to the LTZ, well regarded by getting involved in a constructive analysis of the problem which should lead to approval of the agreed plan.
Then the City Council no choice but to proceed on its own, thus gaining the confidence of many citizens who are not represented by any trade association, but just waiting for a long time.
The first problem could be resolved by making the following variations:
- reverse the direction of Via Purgotti tract and viable way of Bonclerici;
- exclusion of Via di Porta Vittoria and Piazza Nicholas IV to allow the ZTL ' access via Purgotti;
- introduction of the LTZ 0-24 in via Mazzini and the stretch of road Luperti adjacent to the church of San Bartolomeo,
- maintenance of two-way traffic throughout Luperti away, with an emphasis on allowing the free viability for anyone staying in the area between the square of the Seminar and Course XX Settembre and introducing the ZTL 0-24 for those rooms Corso towards Piazza XX Settembre Seminar;
The second problema si potrebbe risolvere mantenendo l’attuale stato di fatto per le aree di sosta fin dopo la realizzazione dei parcheggi in programma.
Al terzo problema si potrebbe ovviare individuando ulteriori stalli dove consentire la sosta a pagamento in piazza Matteotti, in piazza Nicolò IV e nelle strade adiacenti. Spazi che possono essere individuati dove ora sostano abusivamente, ogni giorno, le auto e dove solo saltuariamente gli agenti di Polizia Municipale intervengono elevando le multe. In tali spazi però dovrebbe essere interdetta la sosta nelle ore di applicazione della ZTL. In tal modo si eliminerebbe anche il pessimo principio di imporre dei divieti senza poi farli rispettare.
Rimane il fatto che le Autorità comunali seem unwilling to adopt the plan without the endorsement of the associations and that these were hostile to the LTZ, well regarded by getting involved in a constructive analysis of the problem which should lead to approval of the agreed plan.
Then the City Council no choice but to proceed on its own, thus gaining the confidence of many citizens who are not represented by any trade association, but just waiting for a long time.