Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How To Write A Wedding Welcome Letter


As a white rabbit from the hat of a magician reappears Traffic Plan of the City of Cagli.

This is the statement by Deputy Mayor trasmessomi Mazzacchera:

" us Tuesday, December 29 to complete the City Council approved consensus in the traffic plan on a trial basis until September 30, 2010 (in order to receive any comments in writing by 31/08/2010 to the approval of the final version scheduled for October 1, 2010).

The application will be introduced gradually from January 2010 through a series of decrees signed by the Commander Catullo and will be accompanied by action 'advertising' for the public. Mazzacchera "

It was not clear whether the plan approved faithfully follows the content of the draft July 2, 2008 (also available on this site) or whether the changes were introduced.

We hope that the time and how you intend to follow in applying the new standards for driving and parking are chosen so as not to create excessive trauma to the habits of people and obstacles to the orderly conduct of business, trade and services.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Lab Eight Population Genetics And Evolution Hardy

Giove Nevio permettendo...

... we would be leaving for the patri shores. See you after the Epiphany. If you do not have the news sent San Bernardo that maybe we were the Apennines:)
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

What To Write In A Service To Community Letter

The ancient roots of the new art

Oil on canvas artist Luca Gorizia Suelzu

Messaggero Veneto - 18 dicembre 2009
pagina 11 sezione: CULTURA - SPETTACOLO

di IVAN CRICO L’incertezza nei confronti di quel grande punto di domanda che è il futuro ci porta, spesso, a cercare rifugio nel nido - solidamente intrecciato e caldo - della cosiddetta tradizione. Dimenticando però che ogni tradizione, nel momento in cui è nata, è stata anch'essa, sempre, innovazione. L'avvento di qualcosa di nuovo, diverso e quindi, per definizione, perturbante. La tradizione non è, in fondo, che un'innovazione che la società ha deciso, per svariati motivi, di adottare. Oggi molti ascoltano Beethoven per rilassarsi, ma, se leggiamo qualche recensione dell'epoca, ci rendiamo subito conto che quei suoni per noi so soothing to the ears of his contemporaries were not to be less digestible notes produced by the magnetic tapes of the Venetian Luigi Nono. It must be said, however, that until the early twentieth century at least, to Picasso and Rilke to be clear, the dialogue with what the artists had created in the past has always been a practice unavoidable. A must. The artist, even before the inventor had to be an expert. Each new shoot is grafted, therefore, producing more fruit than on the trunk of theoretical and practical manuals tested over thousands of years in the shops, in choirs, in class metrics. In recent decades, this dialogue is disjointed and, by most part of the population (but not only), contemporary art has often been perceived as a body self, self, whose only "since it is the wonder", to paraphrase the verses of the Baroque poet Giambattista Marino. A sort of competition, after all, who shoots the biggest. If there is no basis for a genuine desire for dialogue with whoever we face, even the most brilliant thought, however, in the end, it remains a dead letter. And so, as noted by recent criticism of Angela Vettese, the works of many artists acclaimed in recent years have fallen quickly, as fast as quickly as had been widely acclaimed, in the oblivion of the things that never will become, over time, tradition. Accomplices il mercato dell'arte, gallerie potentissime che - a suon di dollari, euro, sterline, rubli o yen - decidono nelle grandi capitali del mondo cosa andrà la prossima stagione. Per cui si scelgono, il più delle volte, artisti funzionali al raggiungimento di determinati obiettivi, relegandoli poi in soffitta quando non servono più. L'arte, se non desidera ridursi ad altro che a merce, deve riappropriarsi della sua capacità di indicare nuove vie, vie percorribili a un'umanità sempre più allo sbando. Offrendo futuro, nuovo ossigeno, non strade senza uscita. Facendo, come diceva Saba, della «poesia onesta». Non importa poi se un artista dipinge su tela o fa un’installazione, se uno scrive sonetti o recita i suoi versi gridandoli in un centro sociale. L'importante è che la sua opera nasca da una sincera volontà di comunicare ciò che sente e pensa. Senza infingimenti, doppi fini. Non si può non accogliere con grande interesse, dunque, il lavoro che con impegno e in forma disinteressata sta portando avanti da anni, in regione, l'artista e curatore di mostre Paolo Toffolutti assieme alla Neo Associazione Culturale. Un lavoro teso a mettere in luce la produzione artistica locale e, al tempo stesso, capace di far conoscere spazi pubblici bellissimi (ma a lungo poco sfruttati) come quelli proposti per accogliere le opere presentate nel progetto Spazi Pubblici Arte Contemporanea. Un progetto che, a partire dal 7 novembre, con la mostra Specchio specchio delle mie brame who's the real artist? itself as a reflection on the recent work of some of our most interesting visual artists. The exhibition has involved four municipalities, including Butterwick and Venzone, and continues (until Sunday) in the charming medieval Castle of St. Peter in Ragogna and in the charming, ignored by most Palazzo Locatelli Cormòns until 27 December. This is the first evidence that shows high level of quality achieved by the artists of Friuli Vg in recent decades, as the painter or photographer Manuela Sedmach Kusterle Gorizia, just to mention a few names, internationally acclaimed for his extraordinary invention and refinement of the Executive . No longer the forgotten suburbs our region, but, as in Trieste, Joyce, Svevo, the Blazen, a laboratory of new visions and thoughts are able to combine the enhancement of cultural roots and a broad vision, free the rest of the world. Works in the form of video, painting, object, installation, graphic design, photography, sculpture - explains Paolo Toffolutti - are placed "in a dialectic relationship between people, practices and ideas for building relationships between sites, historic house them and the public , invited to this autumn to take a petit-tour made up of places, tours, openings, meetings ...». Particularly significant, which is to encourage people to move, because we often forget that when there are cuts to the culture we take - Consequently - also work in petrol stations, transport, clothes shops, hairdressers, restaurants, bars, hotels and so on and so forth. If you stay in your slippers at home watching TV, difficult to put into motion the local economy. Our administrators should always be remembered. Not least among the merits of this initiative - we need to emphasize this - really commendable is the use of regional funding, very little indeed, granted to create these four stunning exhibitions, with great care and accompanied by an excellent catalog. Proving that you can do so much with little. And who should start - unlike what you usually do, with guest curators overpaid and whose cachet to us tenfold by magic - to reward who proves to make good use of public money, making real culture, valuing the land and those who live there. "The art is to find," says L. Virgin. And it's always a surprise, this return, if we are always much less and much more than what we think.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Red White Picnic Tablecloth

Le scorte per l'inverno

Skip the talk and go to the recipe: Dice soup: vegetable, meat and fish

To my great joy, this year I improved my membership GAS local, long delayed because tralochi, this time of others. This means that in addition to weekly boxes of vegetables, now, among other things, it happens to arrive in mail messages such as "The day the company TOT Agricultural foo slaughtering a calf, if you are interested in a pack of mixed meats Make reservations. "So here comes the package of fresh meat roughly as follows:
Steaks - Beef Broth from
- Ossobuco
- meat from broth
- Scaloppine
- meat from broth
- Ground
- I've said meat from broth?

Scherzo, of course, but we say that there were pieces to the broth in quantities rather than to our domestic production of meat broths : the metamorphosis in Emilia is not yet complete so we do not (yet) the tortellini soup every Sunday: P
Do not worry, however, nothing is wasted, even because winter is approaching and we must prepare for the season soup, and to repeat and extend an experiment I did last winter and that was nearly exhausted: the nut crop fattincasa! Experiment so to speak, as I followed the exact instructions, but the first time that I made I was quite skeptical about its success. And I was not alone, because I called his mother while I was in the middle of cooking and asked me what I was cooking for good. Reply to "plant nut" he said "Do not tell lies": D
day die, then, and now that we have decided to try a new recipe, alongside the classic one, and try to make even the die meat and fish!

recipe comes from Petula which I refer to the technical notes:)

200 grams of celery (I put the leaves)

2 carrots 1 onion 1 large zucchini

2 leeks 100 grams of parsley (it's a great way to use the stems!)

20 basil leaves 2 sprigs of rosemary 15 leaves of sage

150 g salt 100 g of miso '
barley 1 tablespoon oil

Cut small pieces (such as fried) vegetables, put them in a steel pot with the bottom or top of crock with a spoon of oil. Cover with salt and miso, and cook without and adds nothing (I just let the vegetables a bit 'wet wash water) for at least 1 hour and a half. Blend and mix all with an immersion blender or in the robot and put on the fire to thicken again.
few notes during cooking, cover the pot with a lid, slightly open, otherwise it burns everything. Even so sometimes it gets a little 'background bruciatizzo, but not enough to bring it up when you put it in the blender!
The final consistency will be that of a very, very dense pitch. Place nut in hot glass containers thoroughly cleaned and placed in the fridge (not necessary given the amount of salt). Lasts at least six months in the fridge ... I think, I do not know, I finished first;)
You can also store in the freezer: given the amount of salt remains soft, it can be taken each time the desired amount (useless then groped to make the molds for ice cubes in as I I tried to do:) and lasts longer.
Just a tablespoon to flavor soups and sauces and is perfect for making vegetable broth for the risotto or pasta.

Adapted from Senzapanna

carrots 250 gr 250 gr 250 gr onion, celery

250 grams salt 250 grams fillet of redfish

1 clove garlic 1 small bunch of parsley and basil

Honestly, I did not know that fish use, and I opted for what I found in the filleted fish counter:) In retrospect, it was probably better to use a fish suitable for storing salt, say, herring or anchovies.
Cut all the vegetables very finely, preferably organic. Better yet, chop finely with a food processor without adding anything. Cover them with salt and cook them to focus light without adding anything (even water). The salt will extract water from the verdant greens, this water does not leave until it is completely dry (I was enough for an hour of cooking). Put in jars while still hot, close and flip. Will keep for months in the refrigerator due to the large amount of salt. I, given the presence of fish, prefer conervare this in the freezer: I have not tasted it, I will tell you how it came!

Adapted from Senzapanna
400 gr 350 gr
meat broth 1 large onion salt

150 gr carrots celery, parsley
Place the damp salt in a saucepan. Add the chopped meat, onions, carrots and herbs (I've mixed all at this point). Let simmer covered for more than 1 hour. Uncover and dry the mixture. Let cool and pass it to the mixer. Pour into a glass jar with lid and store in refrigerator. Can be stored for several months. Adding to dishes to remember not to put more salt. This too
stored in the freezer.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Liability Insurance Fitness Instructors

Ci risiamo...

Skip the talk and go to the recipe: Baked radicchio

E 'new season of radicchio, so you should strive to avoid with new recipes to make and remake always only salads and soups. L ' last year, I got acquainted all'ortaggio seriously concerned, and to gather so many nice recipes. Thus, an inspiration to Staximo did this:

120g flour 200g Ricotta

1 / 2 heads of chicory
80ml extra virgin olive

50ml milk 1 / 2 tablespoon baking pies for

4 Eggs Salt, Pepper
Butter and flour for the mold

Cut the radicchio into thin strips. In a bowl combine the flour, baking powder, two pinches of salt and a pinch of pepper. work a little 'dry the mixture with a fork (this is equivalent to almost sieve). Mix the ricotta with milk.
In another bowl beat the yolks of eggs, add oil, milk ricotta and radicchio. Stir the mixture and add it to flour using a whisk.
Whisk egg whites and add to the mixture very gently. Pour into a 26cm diameter cake pan previously greased and floured. O in a comfortable silicone mold;)
Bake for 40 minutes in preheated oven at 170-180 ° C

If you prefer, you can skip the radicchio lightly in a skillet before composing the flan, but I will tell I preferred to keep it .. crunchy:)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Used Wedding Decorations For Sale Winnipeg

La maddalena a forma di muffin che sa di plum cake

Skip the talk and go to the recipe: olive oil Magdalenas
few posts ago we talked about the tortuous path that led me to a recipe satisfactory Maddalene , path dotted with a number of attempts, many failures, and some interesting discovery. In the pre-foodblog (maybe even sprout was in his first post, penzanpo ') recipes on the Internet turned on specialized sites and forums, and already the feeling of having a recipe book as big as the world was unsettling and exciting at the same time. And since we were also in the pre-google notebook and pre-netbook, the recipes were printed and stuck on quadernino, cutting away, alas, the site of origin, which otherwise did not fit on the page!
Recipe Maddalene, found somewhere on the Internet, has therefore been kept in my notebook of recipes until I found the suitable silicon mold. But in the meantime the ship had had to move for reasons of service, so I had to wait again to have the oven and blender.
Finally the planets are aligned, and I picked the recipe, and I apologize if I can not give proper credit to the first publication. In this recipe, I explained that "The or magdalena or madeleine madeleine is a sweet that is traditionally eaten during the English breakfast" (ohibò monsù want to see that the French have nothing to do with the spread of the Magdalene in Naples? ) "In many countries of Navarra and Aragon are always deals on holidays to friends and relatives. The recipe given here follows that of the convent of Poor Clares of Santa Ana, Onati and, compared to the more common, contains more milk and fewer eggs. " Ok, I said to myself ... let's try, although I am not aware that the Maddalena do with olive oil.

Magdalenas - Maddalene olive oil

for about 24 Magdalenas:

2 eggs 45 cl (400 gr)
30 cl sugar (300 grams) of milk
34 cl (300 grams) of olive oil extra virgin
90 cl (540 gr) flour 1 tablespoon baking

Small cake tins paper oven, or a silicone mold

The most observant among you will already have sharpened their eyes to the doses. The original recipe contained only the volumes and there and then I realized the amount of dough that would have resulted. Good thing the first time to try it, I halved the dose:)
Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Place the molds on a baking sheet. Beat eggs with sugar (original recipe says to use only the yolks, but did not convince me), until the mixture is pale yellow that falls from the spoon in a little choppy. Combine the other ingredients, making sure to alternate the milk and oil and flour. Add the yeast last. Mix well. Using a
spoon pour the mixture into the molds of paper (or silicone into the mold) filled to 2 / 3 in order to allow to Magdalenas the chance to swell well. At this point, realize that your pan with silicone molds 9 for Maddalena will never be enough to accommodate all quell'impasto, and pull off a rush for your muffin tins, which were then only six, but mixture there is still a lot 'then? Then pull off even the cake mold and finish it all in there!
Bake and cook for 20 minutes or until the cakes will be golden brown and puffy not trying to cook evenly in spite of all the different forms)

So how quibble above, there is no possibility that the sweets that come out of almond know, for obvious and total lack of anything is somehow related to the almond, so ... why? So come Maddalene stralievitate but very good, that taste of plum cake and cheered several breakfasts. In short, it was not the recipe I was looking for, but since then this has been one of my favorite mixes for the plum cake for breakfast! I know that one day I decide to write straight to the recipe and try to use only the yolks:)
In the picture you see them in muffin version with bits of chocolate orange modest. I am a bit 'too tanned ... because I always fear of farli crudi, ed esagero sempre al contario!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How To Break In Lacrosse Elbow Pads

Nessuno è perfetto

Salta le chiacchiere e vai alla ricetta: Salsa Harissa

F. è il mio pusher di verdure biologiche e biodinamiche. F. ogni settimana, mi consegna una cassettina piena di bontà. F. è simpatico, preparato e disponibile. F. sopporta tutte le mie domande sceme. F. consiglia, racconta e spiega. F. parla delle sue piantine con l'amore di chi vi dedica tanta fatica e ne trae molta soddisfazione. Mi spiega che ci sono poche insalate perchè in questo periodo ci sono le lepri che fanno razzia. Che la settimana prossima forse vedremo le prime eggplants. F. has a shop close to home where you can find all those little things like exotic agar-agar, nori, barley miso and oddities like to find which, otherwise, you need to go in the provincial capitals, usually away from my path. The store of F. some time ago, was unusually ... red.
I ask if they have not planted a bit 'too many hot peppers: only shop there are three boxes. F. darkens. The seeds have sent wrong and has noticed when the plants have sprouted. We laugh together. Nobody is perfect. Never mind, I have the right recipe to get rid of a lot 'of those bomblets hot.

harissa sauce

Adapted from here.
250 grams red chili pepper 4 cloves garlic

3 tablespoons parsley 1 tablespoon dried coriander powder
1 tablespoon dried mint leaves
1 tablespoon caraway seeds

extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon salt

The harissa (in Arabic means "pounded") is a sauce made of chili that gives spicy taste and the reddish color to many North African cuisine, especially in Tunisia. It can be purchased ready for use, but is traditionally prepared at home in a way not too difficult. Remove the stalks and seeds and chillies leave them a bit 'of water per hour. After this time, drain and crush them with the ingredients or to make faster, pour all ingredients in a blender after peeled garlic, agiungendo a little oil. Obtained very thick and then store in refrigerator in a glass jar.
Each time you draw a little 'sauce, always pour a little' oil on the surface, so that conservation dell'harissa be more secure.

The harissa is great on steamed zucchini, for example, or to give a taste a bit 'exotic to the soup. The original recipe calls for coriander leaves instead of parsley, but frankly ... it tastes fresh coriander (And especially smells) awful (
The seeds of the chilies but usually I throw them being the most spicy could probably dry and chop in order to obtain a powder ... Atomic!
Finally, if you look F . can be found at Arci "Il Gelso" (address opposite) daily from 17.00 to 20.00 and Saturday 9.00 to 12.00

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Why Are The Palms Of My Hands Really Red?

E il cerchio si chiuse

was the year 2005 AD , your Borghetto and the Super were quite busy to organize their wedding coverage and to decide the destination of the next mission of exploration. So I decided to move the ship the orbit of the capital of the kingdom of Lady and Queen of all Abruzzi (by the way ... Memole! When you return to your 3di15 ???), was assigned the new role of coverage: from technology to busy librarian Avellino Abruzzo home.
pushing back the limits of objective (ship rent, exorbitant telephone companies, etc.) and thanks to the inventiveness of all'intraprendeza Abruzzo young engineers, he also managed to have a decent internet connection, just to keep in touch with the mother ship at acceptable cost. Not many in the past several years, but still spoke little about social networks and blogs were also a subject a bit 'mysterious. You will not believe but then I used the Internet primarily for work (I already hear the laughter) sailing on the programming forum to find out why that command of VB6 does not do what he had to do (home yes, but always an engineer!).
It began, however, to see things around even more interesting, and I do not remember exactly how I came across the first time in my first foodblog , where a nice lady a bit 'Belgian and a bit' Roman cooking and taking pictures pretty interesting things, like the great Galician pulpo I experienced when I saw him.
Needless to say, made me immediately want to try to open a blog, because of trouble in the kitchen I did a lot 'of mine, but for many reasons, the decision was postponed. And delayed. And delayed. First, my ancestral laziness. Secondly, I am a landslide to take pictures and for some reason I never learned to make good use of the digital camera at home, I think it's incompatible with my schedule (read: too lazy to read the instructions, and then returns to first reason). So, I decided to postpone the decision to better days, and in the meantime I have also lost sight for a while, 'cause other maneuvers with the spacecraft and inability to use the bookmarks in the browser, the sprout and the world of blogs in the meantime increased dramatically.
After a few months of separation enforced by the Internet, here I find Sigrid has become, deservedly, una vera stella del web, e tantissimi altri che sono stati meno pigri di me nel condividere i loro manicaretti. E per fortuna che è diventata famosa, la nostra belga preferita, che così ha avuto voglia di scrivere un libro. E di presentarlo in giro per l'italia. E di capitare vicino vicino all'attuale posizione dell'astronave.
Non potevo dunque mancare, il 1 dicembre alla Libreria Ambasciatori nonchè Eataly Bologna , dove Sigrid, accompagnata a sorpresa da Stefano Bonilli , è venuta ad incontrare i suoi lettori. Quindi eccoci qua, sala strapiena, facce curiose che si guardano in giro. Scommetto che più d'uno si è chiesto, come me, quanti dei presenti avessero a blog. I'd like to chat with everyone, but I care, as usual, my tremendous fear of first contact, to break the ice. Patience, I will read the reports:)
And here she comes, a diminutive figure, smile, ponytails and sneakers. Thus, in addition know that is a great gourmet and a talented photographer, I now know what we suspected all along: that Sigrid is also a wonderful person. Nice. Available. She likes to tell, tell and listen, with a spontaneity that leaves him a great kindness. Autographs and advice, stories and anecdotes. It is also difficult questions. At least to me. "Where are you from?" He asked. They are practically a salad mista, le ho risposto.
E' stata una serata bellissima, che si è conclusa in dolcezza, con il buffet offerto da Eataly (che buoni che erano quei torcetti !!) e adesso ho anche io il mio libro del cavolo, che è già pieno di segnalibri sulle ricette da provare. Purtroppo non ho foto da condividere in quanto il mio fido telefonino tuttofare ha pensato bene di abandonarmi all'ingresso in libreria, vi lascio perciò con una ricetta eseguita qualche tempo fa, tratta ovviamente dal cavoletto, una ricetta che adoro perchè è l'unica che mi sia mai riuscita in fatto di briochine!!

Briochine di Christophe Felder (Via Cavoletto )

250g farina (possibilmente manitoba)
165g burro
3 uova (medie/piccole)
30g zucchero
10g lievito di birra fresco
latte 2 cucchiai
sale 1 cucchiaino

tuorlo 1
granella di zucchero

Mescolare la farina con lo zucchero e il sale. Far intiepidire il latte e farci sciogliere il lievito. Sistemare gli ingredienti secchi nell’impastatrice (io ho usato la pastamatic), e a velocità media aggiungere le uova e il latte con il lievito. Impastare per qualche minuto, poi aggiungere il burro morbido.
Quando l’impasto sarà liscio ed elastico (e qui riferisco lo stesso problema avuto da Sigrid, anche usando delle uova picoline, occorre aggiungere altra farina), spegnere, formare una palla e lasciarla lievitare coperta di pellicola e panno per un’ora (ehm, io l'ho lasciata nella pastamatic e l'ho solo coperta con un panno). Riprendere l’impasto, sulla spianatoia spolverata con un po’ di farina, formare un salsicciotto poi dividerlo in 9 parti uguali. Formare 9 palline e sistemarle in degli stampi da muffin (se sono in silicone è più semplice). Coprire di nuovo e lasciar lievitare per due ore. Dopo questo tempo, spenellare le briochine con un tuorlo sbattuto con un goccio di acqua, cospargere con un po’ di granella di zucchero. Io ho usato dei coloratissimi cristalli di zucchero aromatizzati all'arancia e cannella, acquistati Aquila in a beautiful chocolate before leaving for other shores. Bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until they are golden briochine. Cool on a wire rack.

writing this post I realized, once again, what was special for us the short period spent in Abruzzo. I hope very much that we do everything possible to revive as soon as those magical places.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

How To Ask For Money In Spanish For A Wedding

La parte degli angeli

of my inordinate love for balsamic vinegar , I have already mentioned, especially the young salad. The fact is that once you found the right supplier of such a wonder, at home now never misses a good supply of full bottles of pricey but delicious elixir. For some time, these bottles have shared the cabinet of the pantry with bottles of table wine, their goodness, and vicemamma vicepapà beneventane lead us from the land.
Now, I do not know if it is true that the wine "feels" near the vinegar or, more likely, we're not big drinkers, and perhaps the exemption is not exactly the characteristics of a wine cellar, the fact is that most of a bottle of wine, both red and white, has failed, or, as they say "has gone to vinegar."
Ordunque, will I hate the waste of food liquids or solids, which will be the leftovers are a good creative challenge, which will be the land of the sauces, and savor saba I learned that no fruit of the vine should be wasted, will be that a farmer once told me that this is so true that if the wine evaporates from the corked bottle that is said to be the side of the angels, the fact is that I got a sword to defend the poor from the hand bottles Acidelle Super efficient that, with good reason, every so often insists that space, as stretch, is not infinite and keep everything in expectation of future inspirations can be problematic.
so I knew pretty quickly need to find a worthy task for my Acidelle. I tried, unsuccessfully, to obtain the true vinegar, trying every method, the three spaghetti mixed with vinegar true: the process proved too long and the results are not very satisfactory.
The blogosphere is, of course, proved useful once again. The wine reduction proposed by fiordizucca I liked very much, and being a big fan of sweet and sour flavors, it occurred to me that I could try to make a wine reduction acetified slightly sour but not quite, so I put it to simmer Acidelle the red and white, in two separate pots, by adding a few tablespoons of honey. When the liquid has reduced and has thickened (it can take up to two hours, keep the windows open ...), I imbarattolato and allowed to cool.
I got a kind of honey scented and excellent course on the risotto, but also on bread as a snack, the cheese and cottage cheese that keeps well in refrigerator, that you could probably use instead of cooked must in recipes that provide, and above all, it was perfect for this recipe , with adjustments.


4 large onions 60 ml (4 tablespoons) butter
60 ml (4 tablespoons) balsamic vinegar (not traditional)
30 ml (2 tbsp) wine reduction ( or more to taste) 1 pinch of salt

Clean and slice the onions in half. Then slice them into slices not too thin.
Melt the butter in a large skillet, preferably with the bottom quite often. Add the onions and cook over medium heat until they become translucent.
Add the balsamic vinegar, reduced wine and salt. Cook on low heat for 15 or 20 minutes until the onions are softened, stirring occasionally.
Serve warm or let cool completely before imbarattolarle and store in refrigerator.

The recipe I have done in two versions: with golden onions for Acidelle golden and red onions for the red Acidelle which also was accidentally imbarattolato in a bottle in which I kept the cloves, so it is not flavored:)
will I love onions, but I liked a lot, try it on crostini or to accompany grilled tuna.
short, a successful creative recycling, but recycling is always a right? The bottles of vinegar now living far from those of wine properly, and that I had already appropriately classified as a difficult recipe to be recovered, as many of my preparations. But the island of winds another surprise in store for me, but it deserves a separate post.

Gay Cruising In Scotland

Zi, Buana!

- Hello?
- Hello Elizabeth, are Sister Chiara
- Sister Clare hello! How are you? What a pleasure to hear from you, how long ...
- Oh I know, the phone is an obsolete object to a female employee from the Internet like you, why you never call.
- ....
- However, we all fine thanks, you? Finished to fix the house?
- Finished is a big word, we say that there is an essential
- It 's a start. I hope that you had obtained a corner in which to work
- Be, 'behold, I ...
- Because you're working on it?
- ...
- Why do you remember of Peruvian children who
welcome - Of course, I ...
- You know you should eat every day, right?
- Well 'course, obvious
- And you also know that now are five ...
- Five hundred?!?
- That's right, then give yourself to do.
- Under the orders
- Brava. See you at Christmas?
- See you at Christmas

I do not know why, but lately I feel observed.

PS Now you know why at this time I cooked a little. It is said she can resume activities the stove molto presto, perchè ora "tocca" preparare gli addobbi per l'alberello!!