Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Leg Tremors In Whippets

Eccoti qui!

The helipad was wrong, badly reported and evidently too small. On the other hand you wanted to get you with the flagship instead of a shuttle whatever. We have spent three days to agree on the landing maneuvers but now you are finally here with us, and everything else matters more.
Parents rincitrulliti happily announce the birth of the "little" Lara, who arrived with us Aug. 18, 2010, with its sympathy for 4.250 grams of 54 cm of beauty, a sea of \u200b\u200bhair and long nails.
See you soon on these frequencies as soon as the mother recovers a bit '.
A big kiss.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Milena And Miosotis Shower

Precisione, prego

Yes, we are still here. Evidently in the belly of the mother is exceptionally good, if the long-awaited small space explorers wanted to make everyone (but everyone) day at his disposal per la permanenza. Mi è stato chiesto di far sapere da quale pianeta provenisse la nuova arrivata. Considerando che ha voluto una data certa di nascita, rifiutando l'illogicità tutta terrestre di una data aleatoria, non mi stupirei se nascesse una piccola vulcaniana rompiscatole :)
Insomma, per farla breve, in data astrale -312044.470454561, ovvero il 16 luglio 2010, si va a vedere se accetta un gentile invito ad uscire e ad unirsi a noi.
Un saluto affettuoso a tutti i blog-zii e blog-zie che ci hanno circondato di affetto, spero di poter dare a breve buone notizie!!
P.S. Quindi, stasera serata di relax e riposo. Quindi ennesima visione dell'ennesima rimasterizzazione de "Il ritorno of the Jedi. "Thus, there is only one thing to say, dear Lucas, you've messed this time. It's ugly. Just last, moving scene. The twilight effect (or effect Titanic, for those few years more) 's got you too. Indeed, some wanting to disturb the sacred monster, I would like to remind all fans of the remastering, the eternal present of 1984.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Homemade Airplane Wings


Now that is over ... someone tells me the finale of Lost?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Jenna Jameso Jewel De Nyle

Cari nonni e zii...

watched water never boils

niece overdue never born:)