THE ASSOCIATIONS WANT recalling again the implementation of the new traffic plan "Yes to Ztl but if we do not penalize" From Corriere Adriatico November 1
G. Bartoli
Trade associations write to the City placing preconditions Addressing the Deputy Mayor Alberto Mazzacchera associations Confcommercio Confturismo and CNA have made some observations.
We share the objectives of providing the City a tool to streamline traffic and parking.
It is believed that the guidelines are set out in the draft for the most part acceptable, but, especially as regards the rules on the introduction of the Limited Traffic Zone in Old Town, subject to two preconditions:
1) a thorough investigation to analyze the traffic flow ;
2) the prior completion of some parking areas, particularly that located in the former Agip and the multistorey car park in front of Porta Massara.
In the absence, any work in establishing the Ztl Old Town, although at peak times, would be fatally damaging to all businesses that operate there.
"Hence our request to proceed gradually returning the appropriate part of the criteria for establishment of ZTL to a period subsequent to creating the conditions set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of these comments.
Consequently, the suggestion made by the municipal council during the meeting with the associations of October 9, that is to start immediately, however, only in the LTZ Corso XX Settembre in the late afternoon, it is considered inappropriate in the absence of implementation of prior conditions mentioned above.
suggest instead of proceeding with other tools to regulate the flow of traffic in the center such as:
istituzione nel Corso XX settembre a partire dal tardo pomeriggio (dalle ore 17,00) di un divieto di transito per tutti i mezzi adibiti al trasporto e al carico e scarico di merci;
istituzione della zona a 30 km all'ora nel Centro Storico.
“Infine, le proposte che aumentano il numero delle aree di sosta a disco orario nel Centro Storico trovano il nostro apprezzamento come quella che differenzia a seconda delle aree le tariffe della sosta a pagamento”.
°°° * °°°
Le Associazioni category, therefore, continue to hinder the implementation of any initiative to streamline the traffic and parking in the center.
While it is support to address the issue, the other opposing unnecessary and misleading terms such as flow analysis, as if speaking of a complex underground network of roads, and long-term objectives, such as Prior completion of the parking areas of the former Port of AGIP and Massara, known to long-term projects.
It is therefore clear that these are just a useless excuse for postponing the issue further.
He then smile Tip of the ban on the transport xx Course in September after 17.00 (and why not even on holidays?). Prohibiting an almost non-existent phenomenon is certainly a brilliant decision!
As to the establishment of the zone to 30 km / hour, which of course is by consent of our esteemed representative bodies, I would like to point out that if a madman were to turn around the square tank or along certain lanes at 30 km / h at certain times of day, would make a killing.
Vice Mayor Mazzacchera So honey, come on, you should do some minor retouching to the plane ready, and you begin to implement progressively As announced, starting immediately by ZTL. The public will pick up soon and everything will spin smoothly for the business as happened everywhere, because you get in the shops on foot, and the pleasure of visiting the center raises the life of a city.