This evening around 20:30 left a bang was heard in Piazza Matteotti, causing a sudden As justified concern about the few people in the neighborhood at that hour, immediately assailed by the suspicion of a traffic accident.

the area of \u200b\u200bthe accident
in a photo footage
The more timely to look out the doors of bars and a few animated windows have been able to be immediately aware of what happened: one of four lamps that illuminate the plaza, the south west, close to Via Leopardi, swayed alarmingly still, while below, a metallic gray SUV (and who else?), with the tailgate visibly bruised, maneuvered from advancing towards the front of the streetlight Palazzo Pubblico but not to stop to check the damage and products, but to make a quick reverse to the fountain square and taking off again in a hurry Leopardi to disappear from the scene and steal the astonished eyes of those present. In short, he ran, as if it were possible to go unnoticed by turning around with that SUV dented. Minimum minimum touches turn to a body shop outside the area. But I would ask that gentleman if he would have done the same if instead of the lamp he had met in his foolish reverse those two girls who were two meters from the accident. Maybe I will answer that there is a limit that prevents people from behaving uncivilized and that limit is certainly subjective. What if it was, the fact remains that this was an uncivilized behavior objectively.
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