From "Il Piccolo"
Saturday 11.10.2009 October 17 will receive the awards to the winners of the "National Award Biagio Marin" 2009 edition, nearly twenty years the biggest prize for poetry in the dialects and minority languages \u200b\u200bin Italy, created to commemorate the work and figure of the great poet Grado.
A witness recognized the seriousness of the prize, the jury may award, in fact, in addition to the books presented in any other dialect or volume essay published in Italy in the last two years. Over time, the jury was composed from the very beginning, the major Italian poets and scholars, by the late Carlo Bo Franco Brevini, Pietro Gibellini Franco Loi, by Edda Serra Giovanni Tesio. Among the winners of scorse edizioni inoltre troviamo alcuni tra i più significativi poeti in dialetto e studiosi del Novecento: basti qui ricordare soltanto i nomi di Paolo Bertolani, Enesto Calzavara, Amedeo Giacomini, Franca Grisoni e, per la sezione dedicata alla saggistica, Dante Isella, Cesare Segre, Alfredo Stussi.
Quattro sono le persone che riceveranno il prestigioso riconoscimento. All’unanimità la giuria ha deliberato di assegnare il premio Marin di 5000 euro ex aequo al poeta bisiaco Ivan Crico, per la raccolta “De arzent zu-D’argento scomparso”, edito dall’Istituto Giuliano di Storia, Cultura e Documentazione e al brianzolo Piero Marelli per la silloge “I nocc-Le notti” edita da Lieto Colle. Ne dà news of the President of the Research Center Biagio Marin, Edda Serra. The Jury Prize for poetry in dialect formed edited by Franco Loi, Giovanni Tesio, Pietro Gibellini, Gianni Oliva, Edda Serra and Flavia Moimas, met in Brescia, and also decided to award two more prizes. That given the personality in the course of his work has graced the poem in dialect, and contributed to his knowledge, always with the unanimous opinion, has been awarded to Lucio Felici, which is the premium of the City of Degree of € 2500. Happy is known for his studies of Roman authors in the '300 now and poets of the Treviso region, and in particular Calzavara Zanzotto. Finally, again unanimously, to essays Biagio Marin about his world and the Prize will be awarded to Catherine Conti for the thesis "The diaries and letters of Falco Marin: idealistic enthusiasm and experience in military debated at the University of Trieste.
The award ceremony will be held in Grado (GO) 17 October at 17.30 in the Council Chamber of City Hall sal.
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