Elisa in front of a painting by Ivan Crico study in Castello De Bona Urbanis
the interview, from "Il Messaggero Veneto, 14 July 2010"
Elisa "I will help our talents to bloom"
monfalconese singer tells us about his return in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Each Saturday in the square in Trieste, and dreams of a 'fitness' of music for young people. The focus on emerging bands B and Jade and passion for the poetry of Ivan jack. The tour: "I love the squares, being among the people. My daughter is always with me, I'm happy"
Nicole Cossar
Elisa "My land is special. Here there are so many artists, young and good, that they are designed with spontaneity and good ideas, they are approved and not just conformists, have a strong identity. I'll tell you that I have long been a dream of opening a place in Friuli to offer at least one of them the opportunity to speak live in a just and important. If not a local, it can be a festival. I do not have much time, but as soon as possible I will think concretely: I want to help young talents of our region to blossom. " Word of Elisa.
Elisa yesterday was by bus to Milan, to open the part of his summer tour on Saturday the Heart back home: Unit will perform in the beautiful square of Trieste in Italy. Despite the preparations, the great artist is Monfalcone, including a tunnel and the other, the time for a lovely conversation, and strictly in Bisiach nicely: "I coach - attacks - but a coach is everything to me and everything you need to feel good even in this heat. I'm going to the Arena for the first concert. "
"The picia the x with you?", Ask in the mother tongue. Elisa replied, smiling: "Yes, Emma is with me, good and quiet. There's also my mom, we are happy and relaxed, ready for a major new test for me. "
- This part of the tour is very different from playing in arenas from Conegliano, right?
"Yes, that had so much extra-musical, as the dancers and many images, a choice of entertainment complex, attached to a little 'not happy with the sports hall acoustics: a show in some way other than to compensate those shortcomings. However, it was a good experience, although I have a regret: I'm sorry that tickets have cost too much, you know I never wanted it to cost so much to come to my concerts. Anyway, now you change your registry, you go into the streets and arenas, you return to the size that most belong to us: me, my band and music on a stage smaller but more suited to the concert. There will be some video footage for all to see, but the music and only music will be the focus of the show. "
- finally come home?
"You're right, I was just at home in recent years. But the places where I sang in Friuli were always magnificent, for example, the splendid Villa Manin. And Saturday I will be in square units in Trieste, one of the best Europe. Yes, it will be another special evening and exciting. "
- Elisa, you were always attentive to what is happening in your land, especially in music. As you can see the situation today?
"It's a scene that is moving very, different, original, not approved. I have always liked. If you want names, we do what George Pacorig, already running at my keyboard and now in free jazz. And then B, the Jade Trieste and a group of guys I can not remember the name and I've seen on MTV. But not only music I really love poetry and one of my best friends is Ivan Jack, who just won a major award, the disease of the Valley. "
- From here the idea of \u200b\u200bhelping this scene?
"It's my dream. Now I have other things and little time, but I'm thinking to open a restaurant in Friuli or even to organize a festival. Not immediately, but will try to help our young people. "
- In your future, in October, is America ....
"It's a small thing. We will keep two concerts at an Italian festival. Obviously we go volentierissimo.
- Modugno, PFM. Others have not broken through in America. You think about it?
"To those who have broken through, in due proportion, we would add the metal band Lacuna Coil, In order to remain in more recent times us. For my part, a bit 'of success I had with Dancing. And then Pausini and Eros is booming in South America. I do not deny that it would be nice break in the States, but to succeed you must have a great team, close and composed entirely of numbers 1, on the artistic and the technical and organizational means a team that knows how to fight. And not just because it takes a little more 'luck. But I will tell you that in America very different from my idea of \u200b\u200bItalian music. "
- You say you have outdated ideas?
"I do not mean outdated, but so little updating. Think of Italian music as an expression of folklore, not modern. The PFM is a wonderful exception. It is a world still too far away for me and then you see that America is not a problem or an immediate goal. On my way. " Successfully, as confirmed by the evening concert were in Milan. Yet another triumph for Elisa, our pride.
(Some comments:
"I think if you get to the point of being honest, if you arrive at a balance of sincerity, humility and belief, necessarily create something that belongs to you. What longer belongs to you and the world. It is there I want to go. "This is already the music !!!!!!!!
Sciretta singer Elisa Albert on Interview with Ivan the Crico 16/09/10
sin reading this only now ... I was sure that Elisa is also interested in art. His words, his voice often resemble colors and distinct images. Thanks for having posted!
of young up interview with the singer Elisa Ivan Crico the 31/08/10 and Simplify the
is just GREAT! Blumy
of Blumy Flama about Oh, oh dark: poetry of the Ida Vallerugo 27/08/10).
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