After winning last year's "National Poetry Prize Biagio Marin (considered the most important prize for poetry in various local languages \u200b\u200bItalian), the book of Ivan Crico" De ARZENTO zu "get another prestigious recognition. Together
work "Samartin" the poet Giacomo Vit, so this particular - also recently reviewed by Franco Loi on the pages of "Il Sole 24 Ore - was awarded the joint first prize in this competition, during the years, has become the most award dedicated to works written in Friulian language, thanks to a panel of prominent names in literature and criticism, by Paul Maurensig Mario Turello. "De ARZENTO zu" part from studies of Jack, a lover of the idiom Bisiach, ancient Tergestina spoken, now extinct, and which in the parlance Bisiach survive some valuable relics.
will then be delivered on 11 December at 17.30, Old Foledor Boschetti Tower of Manzano, the prizes to the winners of the 5th edition of the biennial literary prize "Catherine Percoto" dedicated to poetry. The competition is organized and promoted by the Culture and Tourism of the City of Manzano Manzano in honor of the famous author Catherine Percoto - which was named the Public Library of beef - and to enhance the literary production in Friuli storico. Un evento che si conferma di rilievo per la produzione letteraria contemporanea: ogni edizione, infatti, raccoglie sempre numerosi iscritti, tra cui anche scrittori e poeti noti a livello nazionale. Alla cerimonia interverranno la presidente del Club Unesco di Udine, Renata Capria D'Aronco, che tratterà del tema della poesia femminile contemporanea e gli attori dell'Accademia teatrale Nico Pepe di Udine, i quali interpreteranno la poesia in una “mise en espace”, accompagnandola con “suggestioni” visive ed uditive. Infine, alla presenza delle autorità e dei componenti della giuria, presieduta dal prof. Mario Turello, verranno consegnati i premi ai vincitori nelle rispettive categorie, che sono per la sezione poesia in Italian Franco Romano Falzari, 1st prize with "Battles", the 2nd place is Francesco Tomada "A everything his name." For the poetry section in the Friulian language won ex aequo with Crico Ivan De ARZENTO zu "and Giacomo Vit with" Sanmartin ", 2nd prize is awarded if the Lucina Dorigo with" In Venas of ingjustri "as has been reported Enzo Driussi with the work "Peraulis tasudis." Finally, the recommendation for a special award, which went to Marco Floreani for his "bridge in the pits." For information: Biblioteca Comunale "Percoto Caterina, Piazza della Repubblica 25, Manzano . Tel 0432 -754617, Rosalba biblioteca@comune.manzano.ud.it Tello.
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