Tecnicamente, è ancora il giorno di Natale, quindi sono ancora in tempo per fare gli auguri a tutti.
Technically, there is still time to do the best wishes for a crackling and a wonderful New Year 2011.
Technically or not, best wishes to all and good digestion!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Maytag Performa Refrigerator
Ma di cosa vi stupite?
See also: The national team
Criticism of yesterday or the day of voting trust Silvio, sprouting like mushrooms from blogs, YouTube videos, notes etc in different socialnetwork. And why not also delight of my opinion? Better tell that my voice is out of the choir, some do not understand, others turn up their nose and so many others I mandaranno in that country. But I did not turn back and write what I think the same .... who knows someone is struck and begins to think at least a bit 'up.
not want to criticize the conduct of the politicians who most likely will have been corrupted to vote in favor of the government, not counting those who abstained ( ugly idiot but do not have an opinion? ). Do not want to talk about the events, children and police injured ( briefly what I think it may be inferred from the previous post ).
I want to criticize the Italians. The Italians who voted these amoebae in Parliament on the right, left, center and those who do not know which side to take.
I never tire of saying that the choice of a person who goes to vote on those candidates who will fall in his opinion are the best. Our politicians have been convicted (or suspected) to corruption, fraudulent bankruptcy, tax evasion, incitement to commit a crime, defamation, involvement in a mafia private violence, insulting a public official, embezzlement, abuse of office, illegal financing, etc etc etc ..... And if math is not an opinion ... Easy to make
revolutionaries nell'omertà of small daily actions in which there is respect for our fellow citizens .... we start by double parking or in areas reserved for the disabled, pass the examination in hospital without waiting because he knows the uncle of grandfather of the doctor, for abuse of office in smaller municipalities and to get straight to the Parliament.
you do it, I do. Not bat an eyelid ...
Jade Iovino
South Park Episode Memory Loss
Domande #1
If this is manifest Hood ... new fashion among young people?
[Yes, I am aware that it happens that we have infiltrated the police among the demonstrators. No, I do not think that this is the case. And no, I do not think show now serve in some .]
Friday, December 10, 2010
Detox Fast Ko Samui Dharma Cost
Per solo 14 miliardi di euro...
In Italy it is.
Dies murdered, or otherwise invested in a person's tragic conditions and the country develops: Justice! Death Penalty! chemical castration! When, as it may regret in the situation we are only involved the relatives of the victim and the issue should be resolved, their respect, to spotlight off without creating a pathetic show.
The community should instead be regarded as offensive in its complete entirety, if they are caught in scandals which have involved people of the state, politicians, businessmen and organized crime. I take a recent example, so that no one can say he does not know what I'm talking about. Just yesterday he was sentenced at first instance Calisto Tanzi, contractor, owner Parmalat, the company has sent in bankruptcy. He had been condemned (on appeal) for insider trading. Children: stock manipulation and fraudulent bankruptcy .... if the community is not involved here ...
The warlord has created a debt of 14 billion euro (in the late 80s amounted to hundreds of billions of lire, the financial difficulties-discovered only in 2003 - were already detectable in the early 90's), sending the paving the small shareholders and investors who had invested in bonds (the latter only received partial compensation). Corrupted-by-80 politicians (from all sides ... and they are the same as those in Parliament today !!!!!) so that they were adopted laws in favor of the marketing of certain products, so that certain persons were appointed to head the bank, to buy advertising space, and so on.
All these things are written in black and white on Wikipedia under " Parmalat collapse" (of course the electronic encyclopedia offers only a summary of what happened, but I assure you that it is already a good base of information), do not be economists to understand or learn about them .. you just have to have the desire to learn and know.
But the point which I want to press is another. The sentencing was set for bankruptcy for 18 years in prison, but if you consider that you will go on appeal, the Supreme Court with the times of our justice, and the dear Tanzi has already 72 years old and is in the throes of ailments-all pain in that when handing out bribes apparently did not feel - ..... as you say in "jail" will stay there for long ... and here's the point! I do not think I felt outraged Italians, I do not think I heard they are celebrating the death penalty ... and say that it is a thief, a briber, a dishonest person who, in collaboration with crooked politicians, helped send down the drain our beautiful country. Is it possible that anyone is not angry? A murder is a very serious, of course, but must not become una questione di stato, un motivo per fare spettacolo (perchè è questo che ormai è diventato), non deve essere nemmeno strumentalizzato per creare panico tra la gente.
In una situazione come quella di Parmalat si tratta di aver buttato merda su tutti. Certo perchè strumentalizzare un fatto che, in fondo, è semplicemente l'apoteosi di un modo di vivere all'italiana?
Giada Iovino
In Italy it is.
Dies murdered, or otherwise invested in a person's tragic conditions and the country develops: Justice! Death Penalty! chemical castration! When, as it may regret in the situation we are only involved the relatives of the victim and the issue should be resolved, their respect, to spotlight off without creating a pathetic show.
The community should instead be regarded as offensive in its complete entirety, if they are caught in scandals which have involved people of the state, politicians, businessmen and organized crime. I take a recent example, so that no one can say he does not know what I'm talking about. Just yesterday he was sentenced at first instance Calisto Tanzi, contractor, owner Parmalat, the company has sent in bankruptcy. He had been condemned (on appeal) for insider trading. Children: stock manipulation and fraudulent bankruptcy .... if the community is not involved here ...
The warlord has created a debt of 14 billion euro (in the late 80s amounted to hundreds of billions of lire, the financial difficulties-discovered only in 2003 - were already detectable in the early 90's), sending the paving the small shareholders and investors who had invested in bonds (the latter only received partial compensation). Corrupted-by-80 politicians (from all sides ... and they are the same as those in Parliament today !!!!!) so that they were adopted laws in favor of the marketing of certain products, so that certain persons were appointed to head the bank, to buy advertising space, and so on.
All these things are written in black and white on Wikipedia under " Parmalat collapse" (of course the electronic encyclopedia offers only a summary of what happened, but I assure you that it is already a good base of information), do not be economists to understand or learn about them .. you just have to have the desire to learn and know.
But the point which I want to press is another. The sentencing was set for bankruptcy for 18 years in prison, but if you consider that you will go on appeal, the Supreme Court with the times of our justice, and the dear Tanzi has already 72 years old and is in the throes of ailments-all pain in that when handing out bribes apparently did not feel - ..... as you say in "jail" will stay there for long ... and here's the point! I do not think I felt outraged Italians, I do not think I heard they are celebrating the death penalty ... and say that it is a thief, a briber, a dishonest person who, in collaboration with crooked politicians, helped send down the drain our beautiful country. Is it possible that anyone is not angry? A murder is a very serious, of course, but must not become una questione di stato, un motivo per fare spettacolo (perchè è questo che ormai è diventato), non deve essere nemmeno strumentalizzato per creare panico tra la gente.
In una situazione come quella di Parmalat si tratta di aver buttato merda su tutti. Certo perchè strumentalizzare un fatto che, in fondo, è semplicemente l'apoteosi di un modo di vivere all'italiana?
Giada Iovino
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Catching Herring On Soft Plastics
Consumo critico #7: Eni e Exxon Mobil (Esso)
Indirizzo principale: ENI S.p.A. Via Emilia 1, 20097 San Donato Milanese (Mi) .
Nell'edizione del 2001 della miniguida è stato sottolineato come la SAIPEM, Eni Group company, same expropriating large expanses of land in the region of Abua, Nigeria, for the construction of a pipeline, taking anything but ethical methods (source: Equonomia No 4 December 1998, p. 12 ).
AGIP, well-known brand in the group, stands out negatively in Ecuador, a country which has been present since 1987. Despite the code of conduct Eni said: " respect for cultural diversity and awareness of social and economic conditions of the communities where the Company operates, Eni is a distinctive character. The constant alertness for the protection of 'environment is achieved through the development of advanced technologies and products and more advanced services (nrd: Eni's website has a section dedicated to ' environment), it seems that in Block 10 -200 000 hectares of land in which Agip launched in 1999, exploration activities and production-militarized and there are areas that should not be allowed entry to technical and other indigenous organizations. (On the site of ENI, the situation is described, however, so ).
Agip is accused also of promote the exploitation and export of medicinal plants in non-transparent.
Together with Spain's Repsol, Agip operates in Ecuador is also an area of \u200b\u200bexploitation of the National Park Yasumi, established in 1979 and declared a UNESCO biosphere reserve ", in which lives the Huaorani people. The environmental and social consequences of Repsol-Agip are easy to imagine (source: Paper, December 3, 2000 ).
Fernando Villavicencio-leader of the oil workers' union and the coordination of social movements in Ecuador, said "the oil industry assets and reserves exceeding one hundred thousand million dollars, but the government wants to hand over to private companies, such as the North American Orix and the Italian company Agip. Agip has already been appropriate in an illegal trade of gas: the former energy minister of the government Mahaud was also the president of the company Agip in Ecuador and, despite the conflict of interest, has never resigned from the company. "(source: Paper, February 7, 2001 ).
Main address: Exxon Mobil Corporation 5959 Las Colmas BLVD, Irving, Texas 75039-2298.
In Italy: It Italy SRL Viale Castello della Magliana 25, Rome.
Exxomobil is a group formed in 1999 by the merger of Exxon and Mobil oil corporations. With a turnover of 191 billion dollars, this corporation is in second place in the world rankings. In 2001 it achieved profits of 15 billion dollars. It has 98,000 employees and operates in 200 countries. Every day extracts 4.5 million barrels of oil and gas.
Mobil is the island of Aceh in Indonesia, where it is complicated by the Indonesian military for atrocities against the local population in order to operate undisturbed in the extraction of natural gas, providing the government authorities of the dictatorial regime of Jakarta one of the most important sources of income without any benefit would be the local population. Precisely the Mobil is accused of having provided logistic support at their bases where they were tortured and killed the inhabitants and the bulldozers to dig mass graves to bury the massacred people (source: Equonomia No 1 March 1999 ).
Inoltre in Perù alcune popolazioni indigene, fra cui gli abitanti Harakmbut, si stanno organizzando per difendere le loro terre dall'occupazione della Mobil che cerca di impadronirsene per l'attività di estrazione petrolifera (ndr: sul sito exxonmobil.einnews.com ho trovato una sezione riguardante le notizie dal Perù..il che mi fa pensare che le proteste non siano andate a buon fine per le popolazioni interessate).
Exxomobil si è guadagnata un posto sulla lista delle 10 peggiori multinazionali del 2001 per essere la capofila nella campagna di negazione dell'effetto serra : blocca gli sforzi per un'appropriata azione di rimedio (Protocollo di Kyoto). oltre not to encourage investments in renewable energy sources (source: magazine Multinational Monitor, December 31, 2001 ) (note: on rinnovabili.it I found a news-dated June 10, 2010 - which refers to the commitment of the multinational up test on the commercial viability of biofuels production from algae extracts ). Among
crisis in Venezuela and the war in Iraq, the price of oil rose and it has reaped profits of more than $ 4 billion last trimeste 2002. The first quarter of 2003 was presented as rosy for the same corporation, which has signed a contract with the greedy Pentagon will provide petrol, carburante e oli lubrificanti per i carri armati, i caccia e le navi da guerra statunitensi fino al 2005 (ndr: non trovo dati riguardanti gli anni dal 2005 ad oggi).
Nel 2000 la Exxon Mobil ha contribuito con oltre 1 milione di dollari all'elezione di Bush, che tra le sue prime decisioni ha rifiutato di ratificare il Protocollo di Kyoto sui cambiamenti climatici, ha dato avvio all'estrazione petrolifera anche in aree protette e ha rimosso il Presidente dell'IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change), che fin dal 1995 aveva indicato nell'uso di combistibili fossili la principale causa dei cambiamenti climatici (fonte: articolo su Tra Terra e Cielo n. 167, dicembre 2002 ).
(Ndr: anche web Esso.it is a section dedicated to ' environment and the commitment of the multinational to do so).
From: Miniguide critical and consumer boycotts. Created by Motion Drops of Justice. Ed La Tortuga (ed. 2003).
In post dedicated to pharmaceutical companies Bayer and Novartis , including a nice comment "anonymous" invited me (and anyone who gives me support) to turn to the wizard the first time that I had felt ill. I hope that is clear once and for all my intention disclosure of such information: it is right that more people can know how to operate these corporations, which not only have no respect for the environment and the populations of the countries involved but also a great influence on political and economic decisions taken "on the upper floors."
Monday, December 6, 2010
How To Get A Bag In Your Hand On Poptropica
that Christmas is at least eco-friendly!
[Banksy "Consumer Jesus"]
I was impressed by the frenzy that is Christmas possession of the people.
I decided, therefore, to propose some ideas for an eco-friendly to anyone who celebrates Christmas (rather than just ideas, I refer you to someone who has thought for me).
Why must be a feast of exaggerated consumption and waste?
ecological Menu: The challenge of Christmas with kitchen waste from starter to dessert (on Lifegate.it ).
Tips for gifts and decorations in harmony with nature, and materials to be avoided as toxic (on Centroconsumatori.it ).
Internet offers the opportunity to find many gift ideas and eco-friendly do-it-yourself, just a moment.
How about make a nice gift to your health and the environment?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Female Genetalia Tattoo
If life has a great value ... freedom has a more precious.
I'm sorry that this post has been advanced by the death of the director Monicelli. I'm sorry for the choice that led him to make a dramatic gesture, perhaps to avoid further unnecessary and hypocritical arguments for a case to Englaro or Welby, who would have made much hungry greedy mouths of the media (unfortunately, those of the politicians is impossible to silence .. in fact the act of Monicelli aroused controversy equally, even in Parliament). I'm sorry because most of it makes me think that I bring bad luck: every time I start to think of something to write on the blog someone ahead and end up publishing something that will fall into the cauldron of "the-things-because-these-l'argomento- is-hot ". Not so. What I write is the result of a long reflection that hardly rectify. I leave aside the personal aspect, or that of my choice, why not seek consensus, not want you to comply with a decision that is not yours, why not are my business and why I want to make a call to an opinion released by any indoctrination.
Good. If anyone still has any doubts, I'm here to write about the decision (prior) to choose what to do with your life when you will be able to express or formulate a thought. Euthanasia, living wills: there are differences, but I want to talk about the substance.
This choice should be made freely by each, should be given the opportunity to decide without pressure of any kind. They should leave white paper: so the people who have certain religious beliefs or personal they may decide to treat themselves while those thought to be suffering useless (for himself and his family) may choose to leave when she will have a minimum of dignity and will not be reduced to a squalid plant.
How to choose a car: in short, who can judge or hinder your decision to buy a nice SUV cumbersome than a compact car? Why not be the same with much more important and very personal decisions? Why should constrain the choices of some of those others?
I think I understand why. The explanation is that there is a huge need (now more than ever) to standardize people. Pain and disease create business: if a sick person remains alive until the end of his life (which is when the end of his life as it is attached to a machine?) will be good. Yes! It is not evil, it's business. E 'money. It will be good for multinational pharmaceutical companies, who-along with many others-have great influence over political, economic and doctors who care for us, it will be good for the basket of offerings in church, private clinics that are managed from society (and what is the purpose of a company?), and perhaps the most dramatic scenario, will enrich the pockets of some political director.
E 'must all stand up because this choice is left to each one, which is really staff, without fear of opinions (also true!) and obstacles.
It 's a subject that should be treated constantly until all is left to decide for their lives. Should not it fall into oblivion until the next bomb because the media are such patients every day and, unfortunately, have the misfortune not to be called Moroni, Englaro, clouds, or Welby Schiavo.
Jade Iovino
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