Indirizzo principale: ENI S.p.A. Via Emilia 1, 20097 San Donato Milanese (Mi) .
Nell'edizione del 2001 della miniguida è stato sottolineato come la SAIPEM, Eni Group company, same expropriating large expanses of land in the region of Abua, Nigeria, for the construction of a pipeline, taking anything but ethical methods (source: Equonomia No 4 December 1998, p. 12 ).
AGIP, well-known brand in the group, stands out negatively in Ecuador, a country which has been present since 1987. Despite the code of conduct Eni said: " respect for cultural diversity and awareness of social and economic conditions of the communities where the Company operates, Eni is a distinctive character. The constant alertness for the protection of 'environment is achieved through the development of advanced technologies and products and more advanced services (nrd: Eni's website has a section dedicated to ' environment), it seems that in Block 10 -200 000 hectares of land in which Agip launched in 1999, exploration activities and production-militarized and there are areas that should not be allowed entry to technical and other indigenous organizations. (On the site of ENI, the situation is described, however, so ).
Agip is accused also of promote the exploitation and export of medicinal plants in non-transparent.
Together with Spain's Repsol, Agip operates in Ecuador is also an area of \u200b\u200bexploitation of the National Park Yasumi, established in 1979 and declared a UNESCO biosphere reserve ", in which lives the Huaorani people. The environmental and social consequences of Repsol-Agip are easy to imagine (source: Paper, December 3, 2000 ).
Fernando Villavicencio-leader of the oil workers' union and the coordination of social movements in Ecuador, said "the oil industry assets and reserves exceeding one hundred thousand million dollars, but the government wants to hand over to private companies, such as the North American Orix and the Italian company Agip. Agip has already been appropriate in an illegal trade of gas: the former energy minister of the government Mahaud was also the president of the company Agip in Ecuador and, despite the conflict of interest, has never resigned from the company. "(source: Paper, February 7, 2001 ).
Main address: Exxon Mobil Corporation 5959 Las Colmas BLVD, Irving, Texas 75039-2298.
In Italy: It Italy SRL Viale Castello della Magliana 25, Rome.
Exxomobil is a group formed in 1999 by the merger of Exxon and Mobil oil corporations. With a turnover of 191 billion dollars, this corporation is in second place in the world rankings. In 2001 it achieved profits of 15 billion dollars. It has 98,000 employees and operates in 200 countries. Every day extracts 4.5 million barrels of oil and gas.
Mobil is the island of Aceh in Indonesia, where it is complicated by the Indonesian military for atrocities against the local population in order to operate undisturbed in the extraction of natural gas, providing the government authorities of the dictatorial regime of Jakarta one of the most important sources of income without any benefit would be the local population. Precisely the Mobil is accused of having provided logistic support at their bases where they were tortured and killed the inhabitants and the bulldozers to dig mass graves to bury the massacred people (source: Equonomia No 1 March 1999 ).
Inoltre in Perù alcune popolazioni indigene, fra cui gli abitanti Harakmbut, si stanno organizzando per difendere le loro terre dall'occupazione della Mobil che cerca di impadronirsene per l'attività di estrazione petrolifera (ndr: sul sito exxonmobil.einnews.com ho trovato una sezione riguardante le notizie dal Perù..il che mi fa pensare che le proteste non siano andate a buon fine per le popolazioni interessate).
Exxomobil si è guadagnata un posto sulla lista delle 10 peggiori multinazionali del 2001 per essere la capofila nella campagna di negazione dell'effetto serra : blocca gli sforzi per un'appropriata azione di rimedio (Protocollo di Kyoto). oltre not to encourage investments in renewable energy sources (source: magazine Multinational Monitor, December 31, 2001 ) (note: on rinnovabili.it I found a news-dated June 10, 2010 - which refers to the commitment of the multinational up test on the commercial viability of biofuels production from algae extracts ). Among
crisis in Venezuela and the war in Iraq, the price of oil rose and it has reaped profits of more than $ 4 billion last trimeste 2002. The first quarter of 2003 was presented as rosy for the same corporation, which has signed a contract with the greedy Pentagon will provide petrol, carburante e oli lubrificanti per i carri armati, i caccia e le navi da guerra statunitensi fino al 2005 (ndr: non trovo dati riguardanti gli anni dal 2005 ad oggi).
Nel 2000 la Exxon Mobil ha contribuito con oltre 1 milione di dollari all'elezione di Bush, che tra le sue prime decisioni ha rifiutato di ratificare il Protocollo di Kyoto sui cambiamenti climatici, ha dato avvio all'estrazione petrolifera anche in aree protette e ha rimosso il Presidente dell'IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change), che fin dal 1995 aveva indicato nell'uso di combistibili fossili la principale causa dei cambiamenti climatici (fonte: articolo su Tra Terra e Cielo n. 167, dicembre 2002 ).
(Ndr: anche web Esso.it is a section dedicated to ' environment and the commitment of the multinational to do so).
From: Miniguide critical and consumer boycotts. Created by Motion Drops of Justice. Ed La Tortuga (ed. 2003).
In post dedicated to pharmaceutical companies Bayer and Novartis , including a nice comment "anonymous" invited me (and anyone who gives me support) to turn to the wizard the first time that I had felt ill. I hope that is clear once and for all my intention disclosure of such information: it is right that more people can know how to operate these corporations, which not only have no respect for the environment and the populations of the countries involved but also a great influence on political and economic decisions taken "on the upper floors."
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