Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gumball Football Helmets

Un momento di pace..

[Photo found on the web ... if the subject were to happen here and you feel offended ... business! No joke, because I know I will be removing any legal obligation, argh!]
explicit language
It is now impossible even to take a moment for himself.
After months of seclusion to study I can finally sit in the sun on a nice bench, reading a good book in a little park overlooking the lake. Background humming birds, grandmothers strolling with their grandchildren, retirees who watch the ongoing work of the lakeside bench ... and some more in there, young fesciòn, which will surely bigiato have from school. They drink beer, rant like sheep and want to know the city who want to fuck. Now I understand why not go to school, not talking about pussy there! Hey hey hey ... do not take me for bigot! I was a Marcion and not shock me so much for a beer, the fact that they skipped school because they say bad words or so ridiculous to say the least!
will that human beings can hardly make your business will be that my concentration wavers after months and months of law books, or maybe they are having a really annoying tone. Maybe this is all together. The fact is that I can not not watch them, from time to time, puzzled. The apotheosis is reached when these beings throw the empty bottles in the trees. Here! Initially I climb a blinding rage and I'd love to go and tell him those two mandrills with diaper .. but then I remember the recommendations of the mother and boyfriend who are convinced that if I externalize preclude what I think some day someone takes my barrel . I give up. Then I am assailed by an infinite sadness ... in addition to the usual thoughts that emerge in the face of such great stupidity " eh but I do not like I was way to young! " ... but this time it's true! Do not think I ever reached a level so low, but not intelligence, call it mental clarity! Yes ok, I've never even bigiato school, maybe I'm the abnormal .... But certainly I've never thrown any kind of waste in a place other than trash ... better if different! ( but I know I ask too much! )
Here's why ... then the sadness in the face of certain images I do is realize with whom I share the world .. it is clear I do not care crabs but if the rest of the boys of 15 years, who have the desire to go against the rules of adolescence, I have no respect for the environment really fall his arms .. do not tell me that will change as adults because it is these small things that understand the lifestyle that will take a person. I, for example, that a terrorist environmentalist, I pissed off about every cigarette butt that incotrano my feet on the street, I can tell you the story of me that just a few years, more than 2 from the testimony of Mother, I sat on the chair shopping cart between her hands tight I held the papers of candy or whatever, then handed over to a garbage. And here is a question of being a child prodigy ( because they are not! ) and I realize that I demand so much, too. Basically I do not know why I told you.

Most Expensive Pearl Found

Domande #2: ma veramente fate?

News this morning: "Al Qaeda is arrayed against the Gaddafi regime"
Manco organization was manipulated by the West!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Floral Funeral Spread

La resistenza è inutile

I'll say, But not believe it. Or better believe it, but do not understand completely. Until you get home, not to understand that we are talking about firepower. And you can not just come to understand how a creature so small it can upset your life. I warned you, but I had not given much weight. The fact is that now it is here, as if it had always been. And there you are wondering how you did before, no. Because if you were to fail now would be like losing an arm. He would live the same, but much, much worse.
And while you're there you do filisofiche all these questions, you're missing the days that pass into oblivion. The cliche that you hear repeated all le mamme "vedrai, i giorni voleranno" è sperimentalmente vera. Vorrei però aggiungere una chiosa. I giorni volano quando ci si diverte :)
Sembra fatto apposta, ma oggi compi 6 mesi e 6 giorni. Data la progressione, riuscirò a scrivere di nuovo da queste parti quando compi 9 mesi e 9 giorni???
Intanto, un saluto a tutti i pazientissimi visitatori che comunque sono passati da queste parti anche in questi momenti di inattività!!
Dentini permettendo... spero di raccontarvi qualcosina di questa nuova esperienza asap!
Grazie a tutti

Difference Between Sauna And Jacuzzi

Consumo critico #10: Chiquita e Dole

Primary Address: Chiquita Brands International, 250 East Fifht Street, 45202 Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
In Italy: Chiquita Italy SpA, Via Temple of Heaven 3, 00144 Rome.
E 'in 11 countries, a turnover of over EUR 2.5 billion and employs 37,000 people. Chiquita is the largest producer of fruits and vegetables, known to the world for bananas which is the largest producer and seller (58% of its revenues). Chiquita, Dole, Del Monte can to secure the two thirds of world trade in bananas or more than 4.5 billion € out of a total of 7.2.
The biggest producer of the fruit in question, with 34% of world exports, is Ecuador, followed by Costa Rica (16%) and Colombia (13%) (1998 data). In Nicaragua and Ecuador are the wages lower, from 1.25 to $ 2.50 per day, for work over 14 hours, unpaid overtime and often mandatory. The multinational company is known for attacks environment for the trade union repression and for the mistreatment of laborers, but above all for its aggression in politics because it takes the governments of countries where it has its plantations strictly under control. In 1953, when Jacob Gurme President of Guatemala, decided to launch a land reform which damaged Chiquita, was ordered off a coup that all blame director of Chiquita.
Chiquita requires its workers to spray pesticides unprotected, sometimes without water in order to wash.
In 1995, Chiquita has closed four plantations: according to the local union it was just a choice to weaken the movement of workers, forcing them to abandon the lands where they lived with their family for generations. Banana production is also due to deforestation in Costa Rica and the use of pesticides creates impoverishment of the soil, causing serious damage to river and marine water (source: Equonomia, in June 1999 and September 1999; Altreconomia, October 2000 ).
camapgna After pressure from consumers (launched in 1998 for the centenary in multinational), Chiquita has agreed to engage in compliance with the conventions of the ILO (International Labour Organization) in particular on issues of freedom of association (source : Social Editor and International Union of ) .*

Primary Address: Dole Food Company Inc., 31365 Oak Crest Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA.
In Italy: Dole Italy SpA, Piazza Annunziata, 72, 16124 Genova.
Multinational food, one of the world's largest producers and distributors of fruit and vegetables fresh and preserved. Controls 25% of the world banana market. Dole owns 92,000 hectares of land of which 60,000 U.S. and 32,000 in the southern countries of the world (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua. Ecuador, Thailand, Philippines and South Africa).
In the family of banana varieties are more resistant varieties and more deboli: quelle per l'esportazione sono le più belle ma sono anche le più deboli e soccombono facilmente all'attacco dei batteri, funghi, vermi, per questo i pesticidi costituiscono dal 50 al 55% del costo totale di produzione e vengono irrorati anche con l'aereo, con conseguenze gravissime sull'ambiente circostante. La maggior parte di questi pesticidi è proibita nei paesi industralizzati, fra questi uno dei più pericolosi è il DBCP (leggete qui che cos'è e i suoi effetti) un potente vermifugo che ha reso sterili 15000 lavoratori costaricani. 
La Dole è stata criticata per la distruzione della foresta pluviale in Honduras e nelle Filippine.
Le banane e gli ananas Dole sono attualmente oggetto di un boicottaggio promosso dai lavoratori della frutta e verdura fresca della California per l'uso dei pesticidi nei paesi in via di sviluppo, per le paghe passe, per la discriminazione delle donne e per le pessime relazioni sindacali negli USA (fonte: Homepage di Boycott! , Homapega di Manitese ).**

Tratto da: Miniguida al consumo critico e al boicottaggio. Realizzata da Movimento Gocce di giustizia. Ed. La Tortuga (ed. 2003).

Considerazioni personali e informazioni più Recent
* On the site of Chiquita in the " take a look back" for the period 2000-2009 are mentioned:
- 2000: Rainforest Alliance certified 100% ; for companies in Latin America subject to strict environmental and social standards of the Better Banana Project;
- 2002: Admitted to the Ethical Trading Initiative ;
- 2003: Receives the Corporate Conscience Award by Social Accountability International ;
- 2004: Corporate Citizen of the Americas Award per il progetto Nuevo San Juan home-ownership in Honduras.
** Anche sul sito della Dole, nella sezione " principles " (sul sito italiano la pagina è ancora in costruzione) si può trovare una sviolinata di buone intenzioni, premi vinti e altro, il tutto in un'ottica di difesa dei deritti dei lavoratori, dell'ambiente e della salute.

Sta ad ognuno di noi valutarne l'affidabilità. 

Post introduttivo all'argomento consumo critico qui .
Elenco prodotti Chiquita e Dole e altre multinazionali qui .
Atre information can be found on multinational Transnationale .

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wedding Program Thank U

Buon compleanno Italia #2

missing a month to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, and there is nothing to argue about whether it is lawful to celebrate or not celebrate ... who says you have to make Italians believe that something interests of the country ... who says that we should not celebrate because ....( but you know what I said ??)... those who argue that we must celebrate the great only to contradict those of the camp and well ... you know ..... what I'm talking about.

tonight but I came to the ear of a minister a sentence that said something like "The Italians must understand the reasons why you should celebrate ...
Question: someone shows these reasons? You know I'm cynical and controversy and I are not good reasons in your mind!
Who can help me? Will I have to write good wishes on March 17!
Come on! Do you have a month's time!

Can Alcohol Affect A Womans Orgasym

Non sopporto...

[Image from the film "La Haine" by M. Kassovitz, 1995]
All that I can not stand it a name.
I hate the old ones. Their drivel. Their complaints. Their uselessness.
Even worse when they try to make themselves useful. Their dependence.
Their noise. Numerous and repetitive. Their anecdotal exasperated.
The focus of their stories. Their scorn for the next generation.
But I can not stand even the next generations.
I hate when old rant and claim a seat in the bus.
I hate young people. Their arrogance. Their display of strength and youth.
The pomposity heroic invincibility of youth is pathetic.
impertinent youth who can not stand not give way to the old bus.
I can not stand the thugs. Their laughter sudden bursts and useless.
Their contempt for the other neighbor. Even more insufferable young good, responsible and generous. All voluntary prayer. Lots and lots of death education. In their hearts and their heads.
not stand naughty children and their parents and self-referential and obsessed only with children.
not bear children screaming and crying. And those silent worries me, then do not like them. I can not stand, workers and unemployed and the suave and ruthless display of their divine luck.
What is divine. Only lack of commitment.
But how to endure all those dedicated to the fight, the claim at the rally and easy to spread under the armpit sweat? Can not stand them.
I can not stand the manager. And do not even need to explain why. I can not stand the petty bourgeoisie, a closed shell in their world asshole. At the helm of their lives, the fear. The fear of everything that does not fit in that tiny shell. And so snobbish, even without knowing the meaning of the word.
I can not stand the engaged couple, as clutter.
I hate girlfriends, as they are involved.
I can not stand those open-minded, tolerant and open-minded.
always correct. Always perfect. Always impeccable.
allowed, except murder.
criticizes them and they will thank the critics. We despise them and thank you kindly. In short, they put in difficulties.
Why boycott the evil.
So, are intolerable.
you ask "How are you?" and really want to know. A shock. But in the interest nonprofit, somewhere, lurking stab wounds.
But I hate even those who do not ever put you in difficulties. Obedient and always reassuring. Faithful and pimps.
I hate the pool players, the nicknames, the undecided, non-smokers, smog, and the good air, sales representatives, the pizza, the pleasantries, croissants with chocolate, bonfires, stockbrokers, the floral wallpaper, trade fair, the mess, environmentalists, public spirit, cats, mice, soft drinks, the intercom unexpected, long phone calls, those who say that a glass of wine a day is good for those who pretend to forget your name, to defend those who claim to be a professional, the schoolmates who thirty years later they meet you and call you by name, the older people who never lose opportunity to remind you that they made the Resistance, the children do not have that have nothing to do and decided to open an art gallery, former communists who lose their heads for Brazilian music, they say that's an airhead "intriguing," the trendy saying "cool" and derivatives, they say pretty mushy pretty amazing, the ecumenical call everyone "love", some sights that say "I love you," the lucky ones who play by ear, fake inattentive that you do not listen when you talk, the higher that judge, feminists, commuters, sweeteners, designers, directors, car radios, dancers, politicians, ski boots, adolescents, under-secretaries, the rhymes, rock singers vintage men with tight jeans, writers and stuffy intellectual, relatives, flowers, hair, bows, shelves, intellectuals, street performers, jellyfish, magicians, celebrities, rapists , pedophiles, all the circus, the cultural, social workers, entertainment, animal lovers, ties, fake laughter, the provincials, the hydrofoils, the collectors all, one step up those clocks, all hobbies, physicians, patients, jazz, advertising, builders, mothers, the audience of basketball, all players and all the actresses, video art, amusement park, the experimentalists of all types, soups, contemporary painting, elderly artisans in their workshop, the amateur, the statues in the squares, the kiss, the beauty farm, philosophers handsome, pool with too much chlorine, algae, thieves, anorexics, holidays, letters love, the priests and altar boys, suppositories, ethnic music, the fake revolutionaries, cockles, pandas, acne, drummers, showers with curtains, the cravings, calluses, the ornaments, in the , vegetarians, painters, cosmetics, opera singers, the Parisians, the turtleneck, the music in the restaurant, parties, meetings, homes with views, the British, the neologisms, the children's father, children art, children of the rich, the children of others, museums, mayors of municipalities, all the advisors, protesters, poetry, grocers, jewelers, the burglar, the yellow gold chains, leaders, soldiers, prostitutes, people who are too low or too high , funerals, hair, mobile phones, the bureaucracy, facilities, cars of all engine capacities, key rings, the songwriters, the Japanese officers, racist and tolerant, the blind, the ant, copper, 'brass, bamboo, chefs on television, the crowd, suntan lotion, the lobby, slang, stains, maintenance, cornucopias, stutterers, the young old young and old, the snobs, the radical chic, cosmetic surgery, ring roads, the plants, the moccasins, the sectarians, the television presenters, the nobles, the wires that twist, the valleys, comedians, golfers, science fiction, veterinarians, models, political refugees, the dull, beaches white, improvised religions and their followers, tile second choice, the stubborn, critics of the profession, she pairs him young couple and vice versa, the mature, all persons with a hat, all people with sunglasses, tanning lamps, fires, bracelets, recommended the military, the players dissolute, and the partisan fans, the scents of tobacco, weddings, jokes, First Communion, the Freemasons, the Mass, those who whistle , those who sing Suddenly, burping, heroin users, Lions clubs, cocaine, Rotary clubs, sex tourism, tourism, tourism and those who detest say they are "travelers," those who speak for experience, "those who are inexperienced and want to talk the same, who knows how to live, the elementary teachers, patients meeting the sick in general, nurses with their hooves, but why must wear clogs?
I can not stand the timid, the verbose, the mysterious fake, the clumsy, the airhead, strong-willed, the whimsical, madmen, geniuses, heroes, self-confident, the quiet, the brave, the brooding, the presumptuous, the rude, the conscientious, unpredictable, the understanding, the attentive, humble, experts, fans, and the bombastic, the eternal surprise, the fair's inconclusive, the hermetic, the Battut, the cynics, the fearful, the tracagnotti, the quarrelsome, the proud, the phlegmatic, the boastful, the precious, the vigorous, the tragic, the lazy, the insecure, the doubters, the disenchanted, the wondering, the winners, the miser, the resigned, the neglected the mushy, the complaints, the whining, the capricious, the spoiled, sounds, greasy, the sudden, and all those who socialize with relative ease.
I hate nostalgia, normality, wickedness, hyperactivity, bulimia, kindness, melancholy, sadness, intelligence and stupidity, arrogance, resignation, shame, arrogance, sympathy, the duplicity, the indifference, the ' abuse of power, the ineptitude, the sportsmanship, the kindness, piety, ostentation, curiosity and indifference, staged, reality, guilt, minimalism, and simplicity ' excess, the generic, deceit, responsibility, carelessness, excitement, wisdom, determination, complacency, irresponsibility, correctness, dryness, seriousness and frivolity, the pomposity, the necessity, human misery, compassion, gloom, predictability, unconsciousness, the suggestive character, speed, darkness, neglect, slowly, the mean, the speed, 'inevitability, exhibitionism, their enthusiasm, the sloppiness, the virtuosity, amateurism, professionalism, the decisiveness, the car, autonomy, dependency, elegance and happiness.
not stand anyone or anything.
Not even myself. Especially myself.
Only one thing stand.
The nuance.
From: They are all right P. Sorrentino 2010

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ranch Snowblower For Tractor

Io, donna racchia.

I do not like the one with the lone voice, yet I always find there. I do not know if I have something wrong or if there are others that just are not as polished. Probably both.
fact is that I can not understand the meaning of an event like yesterday.
I mean ... I as a woman I do not feel offended by the behavior of Italian politicians.
I do not understand all this fuss .. minor age - which certainly are not ugly like me - have freely chosen to undertake the oldest profession in the world for classes in high places. What what really bothers you? Accept the fact that some women use their bodies to buy the brand new designer bags from 3000 € to create this situation or that of favoritism for women pussies we have helped all of us? It is from this year representatives sgallettate are proposed as policies, that TV will propina tits and ass band and that newspapers offer only beauty (photoshoppate..'ll Never understand it?) Size 36.
How many women are to strive to eliminate this serious situation? And that means organizing crap events and political manipulation, or collect signatures to remove the veil on Muslim women. How many of these women were present yesterday in the streets?
guess ... and maybe maybe we'll take it.

Jade Iovino

also read: Advertising regression: feminism.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pursuits Wrestling Shoes

Ma per difendere chi?

When something is genuine, true, true it always is.
The Judiciary does not defend himself only when you need to send home the Berlusconi in office.
This post is a demonstration of protest against the to be held Feb. 13 (and all others that we have been and there will be) because it is clear that this farce was not organized to defend the judiciary but to defend the chair (and maybe taking a more comfortable!)

"Injustice in any one place is a threat to justice everywhere"
ML King

Jade Iovino

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Did Dr. Charles Drew Invent

Consumo critico #9: Philip Morris

Primary Address : 800 Westchester Avenue, Rye Brook, NY 10573-1301 USA.
In Italy: Intertaba SpA Via XXIV Maggio 43-45, 00187 Rome.
Philip Morris is among the top one hundred corporations in the world (according to UNCTAD 2002), with a turnover of 63 billion dollars. With divisions tobacco and food , is the largest and richest producer of consumer goods. With Japan Tobacco, British American Tobacco and RJ Rejnolds, is the empire of tobacco and is present in 180 countries around the world with brands such as Marlboro, Chesterfield, Merit. The
the food business is owned by Kraft Jacob Suchard (Kraft cheese slices, cheese and chocolate Suchard Philadelphia), which also owns Italian brands as "farms Osella. Of Kraft recently absorbed food giant Nabisco.
It is estimated that for every dollar spent by American consumers on food, 10 cents end up empire Philip Morris / Nabisco .
Philip Morris one of the multinationals who presented to the European Commission proposal to reform the EU Directive 241/73 , approved by Parliament on 15 March 2000, the cocoa and chocolate products, whereby it is possible to use substances vegetable fats other than cocoa butter up to 5% of the final product that generates a loss in those countries such as Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon and Cote d'Ivoire based on production del cacao più del 50% delle loro esportazioni e che a livello macroeconomico sono direttamente dipendenti dal raccolto del cacao. Con la sua proposta la Philip Morris ha inoltre ottenuto che nelle etichette non fosse indicata la quantità di burro di cacao presente nella cioccolata.
La Philip Morris è una delle più grandi produttrici di sigarette e, poichè nel nord del mondo il consumo di tabacco è in diminuzione, sta dirigendo le sue vendite verso il sud, aumentando a dismisura il consumo di tabacco nei minorenni.
Da anni è nell'occhio del ciclone per le aggressive campagne pubblicitarie sulle sigarette, per cui spende ogni anno centinaia di milioni di dollari. Fino al 1999 ha cercato di nascondere i legami tra smoke and smoke damage resulting from "passive", but Ethical Consumer Research Association 1998-1999 announced in his report that Philip Morris, along with other multinational tobacco companies, was sentenced in 1997 to pay 206 million dollars for 25 years as compensation for expenses incurred by patients for smoking-related causes (source: Altraeconomia No. 36, February 2003 ).
also deserves to be mentioned among the 10 worst corporations of 2001 for having created a misleading advertising campaign entitled "we have changed," which said that they wanted to reduce the prevalence of smoking among young people actually become more attractive because smoking represented as a thing to "Large".
It 's the most responsible for the 4.2 million people worldwide who die each year from diseases related to smoking (Source: Multinational Monitor, December 31, 2001 ) *.

From: Miniguide critical and consumer boycotts. Created by Motion Drops of Justice. Ed La Tortuga (ed. 2003).

* On the website of Human Rights Watch has published a report entitled "Hellish work: exploitation of migrant tobacco workers in Kazakhstan " setting out in detail the companies that use at work child. All belong alla Philip Morris Kazakhstan, sussidiaria della multinazionale leader Philip Morris International, che vende i suoi prodotti in 160 paesi e ha un giro di affari di circa 90 miliardi di dollari anche con marche come Marlboro, L&M, Chesterfield, Bond Street, Merit. A seguito della denuncia di Hrw il portavoce della multinazionale, Peter Nixon, interpellato dai media, ha detto che ora l’azienda si attiverà per impedire lo sfruttamento minorile nel raccolto del tabacco kazako (fonte: ).
Il video di "Hellish Work" (in lingua inglese):

Post introduttivo all'argomento consumo critico qui .
Product List
Philip Morris and other multinational here.
Atre information can be found on multinational Transnationale .

Shoppers Drug Mart Quo Brushes Sale

Ciao! Qual è l'ultimo libro che hai letto?

will happen to you to be hailed on the street, while walking in town, young girls and boys who present with quell'innocua sentence ( but personally - and I realize be a pathological case - I already irritating ).
Well ... now those kids running from house to house, in a telephone handset as the Witnesses of Genoa. They play at your door saying they are conducting a survey on the books if .. from the rope that are considered in good faith, begin to ask how many books you read and if you are interested in an attractive discount of up to 50%. These individuals have now convinced my mother, knowing that I read a lot, he groped his left from the word "discount".
The guys working on behalf of Mondolibri, as well known for its customers and ways to catch the numerous complaints on the web: bad reviews, experiences and stories about the adventures of Dante to cancel the contract.
Well, we come to the point. The boys, after they tried to intortarmi with the fable of simplicity, and above all on convenienza di avere una tessera EuroClub, si sono sentiti rispondere dalla sottoscritta che non mi piace l'idea di essere "schedata" dalle imprese ( soprattutto quelle di dubbia provenienza! ); loro, di rimando, mi hanno rassicurata sul fatto che i miei dati sono al sicuro ( hanno scoperto l'acqua calda...oggi anche i bambini sanno che esiste la clausola del trattamento dei dati personali ). Hanno tentato ancora qualche mossa puntando sul "ma tanto hai detto che i libri li compri, ne devi comprare 10 e poi sei libera...hai anche lo sconto del 50%!". Ho assunto un'espressione pensosa e ho risposto "No grazie, non voglio la ( vostra fottuta ) tessera". Delusi se ne sono andati. A parer mio se proprio vogliono fare affari per lo meno devono mandare persone educate (eh sì..appena provi a fargli capire che sai bene che è una fregatura alzano la voce!) e preparate, che sappiano esprimersi chiarendo quali sono i punti dei contratto.
Vorrei quindi sottolineare delle cose, suggerite dal mio modestissimo modo di pensare:
1) una volta firmato il contratto e fatta la tessera, l'azienda conosce il nome e cognome del contraente e lo collega facilmente a tutti i suoi acquisti: saprà quindi gli autori e gli argomenti che gli interessano e potrà, di conseguenza, associarlo a una determinata categoria di persone;
2) datemi della complottista ma viene facile pensare che i dati in possesso di queste aziende will not be used for the simple purpose of advertising and marketing. See if the young people who have played at my door to my mother asked if he looked or mediaset rai (one innocent question to the "normal" people but for someone like me who do not watch TV ..... not just a question clear);
3) links that are pointing to opinions and stories of people who said they were "cheated" by Mondolibri, I found them when looking for information that the two promoters have left my house (I had a vague memory of someone I had said something wrong ... and it ...);
4) Finally, I leave some advice:
- The invitation extended to the generality of cases, is not to sign MAI un contratto senza prima averlo letto tutto. Tenete conto che questi "adescatori" cercano spesso i momenti in cui una persona è di fretta, o presa alla sprovvista, e che quindi firma affidandosi alla buona fede. Senza contare che queste persone puntano tantissimo sull'ignoranza della gente....Leggere sempre! 
- Se non si è sicuri prendere tempo..e se vi mettono pressione è evidente che hanno tutto l'interesse a non darvi il modo di informarvi....quindi prendetelo come sintomo di malafede e salutate!
- Non fatevi ingannare da chi vi promette sconti e grandi affari senza, apparentemente, nulla in cambio: la finalità di un'impresa è quella di fare profitti! Nessuno regala niente per nothing!

Jade Iovino

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why Wont My Pinnacle Pctv Usb Work

Anno 1983.

Enzo Biagi Interview with Donatella Colasanti, taken from the show "Film story - Rape" in 1983.
For those who do not remember her, Kathy, is one of the victims of the famous massacre of Circeo, 1975. E 'survived, unlike her friend Rosaria, to hours of abuse and violence.
Nell'1983, the year of this interview, the managers had already been finally convicted (Izzo imprisonment, Guido to 30 years imprisonment and life imprisonment in absentia because fugitive Gyra).
I came across it by accident, looking for information on the impact of this fact in print for my dissertation.
I think it's funny that Donald, in 1983, after being the star of one of the first processes that had such a strong impact in the media (because it took place during the years of feminist ferment), talk and demonstrate a process of exploitation by the press, igniranza talk about.
And just as curious to hear Enzo Biagi, journalist, who tries to contradict the girl (just knew Biagi, after hearing him in this video I can say that I do not like!) Plus a cheap feel.
Donatella says "The thing that gave me much discomfort is was that there was any manipulation done by a little later ... 'from all the press ... .. what we noticed was the morbid curiosity of people, which is not that much to look at what had happened. .. I had to intervene to everyone, not just women, "and again" I could not find it right in the classroom there were only women and men hunt them .. whether to intervene because it was a case involving all .. it was not just a case of Rape, was much more .. "

also read

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lighthouse Resort Fence Lake, Wi

Visita al museo della scienza e della tecnica

During Vacation di natale sono finalmente riuscita ad andare al Museo della scienza e della tecnica di Milano . A suo tempo non sono stata tra quegli alunni fortunati accompagnati dalle maestre quindi ho pensato fosse giusto rimediare. Già una nota dolente..non essendo più bambina non ho potuto divertirmi nei laboratori che sono, senza dubbio, l'attrazione più interessante del museo.
Il costo dell'ingresso è di 10€ per coloro che hanno superato i 25 anni, altro svantaggio dell'essere adulto..sta di fatto che 10 euri non corrisponde proprio ad una cifra irrilevante..certo per la cultura, per un museo li spendo anche, però....
Il museo è enorme e in un pomeriggio non sono riuscita a girarlo bene tutto; despite this I think it's worth bring my feelings, especially because some things do concern the topics on this blog.
The visit began well, the section devoted to Leonardo's machines is gorgeous .. a pity that the reproductions are not functional (and is not a real complaint considering the fact that I wanted the Master in the flesh to I explained my side as his creations!) .. Entry into one of the rooms devoted to communications, I found myself in front of a small enclosed area in which he had placed a bucket .. what was there to collect the water caused by an infiltration ... Good! I see that my 10 € for entrance will be used to something useful! Who knows what is being served from past visitors € 10 ..
A few demonstration device is not working .. just eh, but they had to really work!
To get to the thing that left me puzzled .. The museum also houses a section on energy .. I, little naive, I ran to look for explanations and demonstrations of renewable energy, a boost from the fact that we in the twenty-first century, especially in a time when the topic is gaining momentum .... well ... just a couple of solar panels to deputize for alternative energy sources. On the other hand a lot of space is given to our beloved oil ... it is certainly important to explain what it is, where it comes from and everything else ... but if the exhibition space has been kindly offered by the multinational TOTAL I feel a little taken for a ride! One of the major companies that extract, refine and distribute petroleum do not think I have many interests me to understand that oil does more harm than good! It 's true ... I spend my days looking for information on bad multinationals and the rest of the time trying to spread the word and boycott .. but do not try to tell stories ... Ok the museum of science and technique, the oil is (was?) important resource .. but at least it taste the same space to provide other energy!
Another section that I was disappointed quella del ciclo della vita dei prodotti ...anche in questo caso illusa, credevo fosse stato dato ampio spazio alla salvo l'area in cui è proiettato il documentario "Riciclando si impara. Dal rifiuto al prodotto" di Conai, non ho trovato questa grande informazione sulla questione rifiuti, imballaggi, reciclo, etc... Mi immagino un bambino davanti all'enorme plastico dell'inceneritore immerso nel verde (=pulito?) manco si trovasse ad una puntata di porta a porta...che idea può farsi? Spero almeno che nei laboratori stuzzichino le giovini menti con idee interessanti...anche perchè altrimenti non ha senso usare per i gadget e quant'altro viene venduto nell'area shop, i deliziosi sacchetti ricavati da tetra-pak recycled!
Well anyway, on Saturday afternoon better bring the kids and our minds in a place like this instead of the mall!