Primary Address : 800 Westchester Avenue, Rye Brook, NY 10573-1301 USA.
In Italy: Intertaba SpA Via XXIV Maggio 43-45, 00187 Rome.
Philip Morris is among the top one hundred corporations in the world (according to UNCTAD 2002), with a turnover of 63 billion dollars. With divisions tobacco and food , is the largest and richest producer of consumer goods. With Japan Tobacco, British American Tobacco and RJ Rejnolds, is the empire of tobacco and is present in 180 countries around the world with brands such as Marlboro, Chesterfield, Merit. The
the food business is owned by Kraft Jacob Suchard (Kraft cheese slices, cheese and chocolate Suchard Philadelphia), which also owns Italian brands as "farms Osella. Of Kraft recently absorbed food giant Nabisco.
It is estimated that for every dollar spent by American consumers on food, 10 cents end up empire Philip Morris / Nabisco .
Philip Morris one of the multinationals who presented to the European Commission proposal to reform the EU Directive 241/73 , approved by Parliament on 15 March 2000, the cocoa and chocolate products, whereby it is possible to use substances vegetable fats other than cocoa butter up to 5% of the final product that generates a loss in those countries such as Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon and Cote d'Ivoire based on production del cacao più del 50% delle loro esportazioni e che a livello macroeconomico sono direttamente dipendenti dal raccolto del cacao. Con la sua proposta la Philip Morris ha inoltre ottenuto che nelle etichette non fosse indicata la quantità di burro di cacao presente nella cioccolata.
La Philip Morris è una delle più grandi produttrici di sigarette e, poichè nel nord del mondo il consumo di tabacco è in diminuzione, sta dirigendo le sue vendite verso il sud, aumentando a dismisura il consumo di tabacco nei minorenni.
Da anni è nell'occhio del ciclone per le aggressive campagne pubblicitarie sulle sigarette, per cui spende ogni anno centinaia di milioni di dollari. Fino al 1999 ha cercato di nascondere i legami tra smoke and smoke damage resulting from "passive", but Ethical Consumer Research Association 1998-1999 announced in his report that Philip Morris, along with other multinational tobacco companies, was sentenced in 1997 to pay 206 million dollars for 25 years as compensation for expenses incurred by patients for smoking-related causes (source: Altraeconomia No. 36, February 2003 ).
also deserves to be mentioned among the 10 worst corporations of 2001 for having created a misleading advertising campaign entitled "we have changed," which said that they wanted to reduce the prevalence of smoking among young people actually become more attractive because smoking represented as a thing to "Large".
It 's the most responsible for the 4.2 million people worldwide who die each year from diseases related to smoking (Source: Multinational Monitor, December 31, 2001 ) *.
From: Miniguide critical and consumer boycotts. Created by Motion Drops of Justice. Ed La Tortuga (ed. 2003).
* On the website of Human Rights Watch has published a report entitled "Hellish work: exploitation of migrant tobacco workers in Kazakhstan " setting out in detail the companies that use at work child. All belong alla Philip Morris Kazakhstan, sussidiaria della multinazionale leader Philip Morris International, che vende i suoi prodotti in 160 paesi e ha un giro di affari di circa 90 miliardi di dollari anche con marche come Marlboro, L&M, Chesterfield, Bond Street, Merit. A seguito della denuncia di Hrw il portavoce della multinazionale, Peter Nixon, interpellato dai media, ha detto che ora l’azienda si attiverà per impedire lo sfruttamento minorile nel raccolto del tabacco kazako (fonte: ).
Il video di "Hellish Work" (in lingua inglese):
Post introduttivo all'argomento consumo critico qui .
Product List Atre information can be found on multinational Transnationale .
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