il Piccolo — 07 giugno 2009
pagina 10 sezione: GORIZIA
Davanti a un folto pubblico sì è tenuta all'auditorium «Mons.Galupin» di Romans, la premiazione del "IV Premio Letterario Celso Macor", che stavolta aveva theme, "Identity and memory of the people of Friuli Venezia Giulia. These are the winners. For the narrative section reserved for middle school students were vicnitori 2.a A of the "Tower of GF 'of Romans, who presented the work" Imagina a mont of plein scovacis: ce gust VARESSE the vine? (Imagine a world full of waste, what fun would life?). With them on stage were the principal and the teacher Gabriella Buzzulini Paolo Tamburini. Be noted that this year's poetry prize reserved for middle school and high school have not been assigned. Turning to the prose section prize, have been reported: for the Italian language "The miracle of the grinder and beans' in James Miniutti San Quirino, "I am" Rita Mazzone of Padua and "Asphalt" Simone Devid of Romans, for the Friulian language "of Frussons zoventut" of Ivaldi Calligaris, Romans and 'A cjapà AIAr on tor' of Stefano Gasti of Remazacco; for the Slovenian language "Zaponke sens (The clips of the shadows) Vilma Purico of Trieste, while the winner of the prize for prose was Mario Schiavato River with" The days of processions. " For the poetry section prize were Controversial poems in Italian "The air of the miracle 'of Pamela Bravo, Romans and' Akilis" Silvano Zamaro of Joannis-Aiello del Friuli, in the Friulian language "stations" of Stephen Gasti of Remanzacco and "Inta by the ombrena urtis" Silvano Zamaro, while the winner of the prize for poetry was Enrico Colussi Monfalcone with "The court of crystal" and "gaze." For the section Bisiach dialect have been reported: for the poem "Sotonote" Mauro Casasola Fiumicello; for drama 'The Me' xe history stories "of Trevisan Marilisa Staranzano, while the winner was Ivan Crico Pogliano with Ta "De Edentia and suvignìr (of identity and memory). We recall that the evening was organized in collaboration with the Libreria Editrice Leonardo Pasian di Prato, was cheered by the duo David Gregoroni (saxophone) and Andrea Valent (accordion) while Professor Leopold Pagnutti read some excerpts from the winning entries.
Edo Calligaris
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