Messaggero Veneto - June 1, 2009
section, page 18: CULTURE - SHOW
PAOLO Medeossi
The oar hits the water with an energetic and caress the boat slips and a wave dolphin cuts through the busy sea in the distance, accompanied by a seagull lazy. Pasted images in memory, the memory of a pure environment, untouched. Late sixties, before the great change, before deteriorating. Yet this landscape stands in some way and still there, suspended between dream and reality, in some sunsets under the lash of bora, facilitating travel in the imagination and poetry, as happens now to Hans Kitzmüller that in this world dedicated a beautiful book, to take stock, to reveal the characters and places. And to get back on path. The intellectual adventure novels are made for this reason: the desire to light up and shake off any lethargy. In this case it is not go seven years in Tibet to find a more spiritual dimension of themselves, but just go seven hours in Gorizia, a small area, collected, marked by the events of a border difficult and even tragic, but always charming in his lesser-known aspects. The cross in a flash. By motorway from the Lisert Palmanova, is a race every few minutes. That's it, once you arrive at the toll bridge under the railway arches, is already behind the Isonzo. Looking at it from the sea off the coast of Duino, it is embraced in a moment, from the mouths of Timavo in Grado. Yet in these small places, where every corner is close and within reach, you can experience sensations and surprising encounters, such as those narrated by Kitzmüller in a book that promises good already from the title, the charm and Gorizia in the distance, as it suggests the speech at the end rotates around the city, standing there secluded, quiet, almost huddled under the shade of his castle and its history. The book (210 pages, 20 €) is not released in case of Gorizia publishing a collection of the Library, which continues the work of intelligent search and reconnaissance that can provide genuine gems with reprints, evoking the atmosphere of a past or works with brand new, as this gathering impressions dating back to last winter as a description of certain places, under the pressure of modern consumerism, it is very current and updated. The author makes it clear that he wanted to propose a guide for the promotion of places, but a diary with the emotions that the territories quickly transmit through or to stop watching them. Not it's private feelings, subjective, told with lyrical transport, but of insights that all can share and make their own, knowing that ultimately the environment we are still us, with the changes that we experience and the way we think and see . The tale of a landscape can become so great history, its reading and interpretation become the adventure of a portion of space exploration in a fraction of time. In all this, the literary approach is essential, not for display of saccenza, but rather a natural fact, obvious to all. Against the backdrop of degree, for example, jump off and you need the clear lines of Biagio Marin - says Kitzmüller – «sono la formulazione più efficace dell’esperienza fisica della luce, del cielo, di vele gonfie e afflosciate, delle onde del mare e dello sciacquio della laguna lungo le rive delle barene». Il racconto parte dalla pineta dove approdò San Marco, a due passi di Aquileia, e si sofferma a lungo in questa porzione di Friuli in cui il punto di riferimento diventa il campanile della basilica, «una matita di sassi che scrive nuvole con la sua punta di coppi», come poeticamente spiega il professor Emilio Rigatti ai suoi allievi mentre attraversano questi posti avendo ben presente la lezione leopardiana, secondo la quale l’uomo sensibile e immaginoso è destinato a vedere il mondo e gli oggetti doppi perché solo così can perceive the beauty and the pleasant things. Around the corner is the Isonzo, one of the most beautiful rivers in Europe and their presence evokes the lines of Celso Macor, written in sonziaco, mysterious adjective indicating a variety of Friuli, which is characterized by a predilection for the vowel " a ". The trip is in fact also nell'Isontino hike through an original linguistic heritage but is easier because if the Slovenians are perfectly bilingual, the Friuli region are now only partially. And then there are the Bisiach and Grado, popular in their areas. So the province of Gorizia can be defined languages, but only minimally while multilingual scenario is the German who disappeared a century ago was the base instead of local culture. Peculiarity that was exemplified in students' cultural identity as emblematic of the institution's most prestigious Gorizia, the Staatgymnasium, among whom were Alojz Gradnik, Otto von Leitgeb, Ervin Pocar, Biagio Marin, Charles Michelstaedter. A wealth disappeared after the First World War, leaving traces only to be rediscovered in books or in exceptional products, such as that of the actress Nora Gregor. The journey through the landscape Gorizia not forget the devastating changes caused by the flowering of warehouses and shopping centers, as happens to Villesse. "We - says Kitzmüller - Before a final destruction in favor of the ephemeral, a choice that leads to a land use with irreversible consequences, which is accompanied by an incredible waste of resources. The excess of the retail giant cancels the extent necessary. " Better then to return Maitani, the signs of the sea mentioned by Ivan Jack, poet, refined and cultured than in Bisiacaria went to retrieve precious words and forgotten, giving them life and art. The Maitani were wooden poles to the top of which were tied colored fabrics, which were used for the fishermen to reach the sea without silt. Signal words such as announcements of appearances, something that we do not see but feel. Signals come quelli lanciati da questo libro da leggere cammin facendo, fra il Carso e il litorale, fra il Collio e Grado, dove qualche anno fa c’era il bar Mimi. Una mezza trattoria in riva Dandolo da dove si osservava l’uscita delle barche e si ripensava ai paesaggi perduti o ritrovati. Al suo posto c’è ora un condominio.
Foto di Hans Kitzmuller realizzata da DANILO DI MARCO
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