Mazzacchera Deputy Mayor has referred to the Facebook friends of the draft "Rules of use for areas of Monte Petra" recently presented at the Board, inviting them to suggestions to enhance or supplement the text. An initiative of this that goes in the direction finally recognize the right of the plateau of Mount Petrano as an excellent resource in our area. A resource to be protected against possible misuse, of the value identifying the potential uses and make it more productive for the exchequer through private initiative.

The draft does not bring big news, aside from the obvious intention to offer the concession areas of the plateau for the conduct of tourism activities, sports and generally productive, for the provision of services payment. In fact, most of the articles (well 50) that constitute the text are nothing more than the call of existing rules as laid down by the civil code and laws at national, regional, provincial and municipal. Standards but may often be ignored or violated in an environment far from the city and has no control.
The regulation will be useful if you manage to start it with a system of exploitation of the plateau production by offering quality tourism, so you can support the control environment and in a civilized society.
The regulation will be useful if you manage to start it with a system of exploitation of the plateau production by offering quality tourism, so you can support the control environment and in a civilized society.
Here is the text of the draft.
municipality of Cagli (Pesaro-Urbino )________________________________________
Regulation of use of the areas of Monte Petrano
This regulation has the primary purpose of harmonizing the protection of biological and aesthetic quality of the green areas of Monte Petra (in old named Monte dei Cavalli) using social, tourist, cultural, sporting and agricultural work in each other, while ensuring that the use (in particular the meadows of the plateau) and, consistent with their different needs, extended to all citizens who can actively contribute to the protection of Mt.
Title I - Disposizioni generali
Art. 1- Oggetto
Il Regolamento disciplina la fruizione e l’uso del territorio di Monte Petrano da parte del pubblico (in forma singola o associata), degli utenti, degli imprenditori turistici, degli enti che perseguono finalità di tipo agricolo, dei proprietari, possessori o detentori di immobili.Il presente Regolamento integra per quanto applicabili le norme contenute nella legislazione nazionale e regionale in materia di protezione della natura.Il presente Regolamento, limitatamente alle aree di Monte Petano disciplinate, prevale su eventuali contrastanti norme dei Regolamenti comunali, anche per la parte relativa alla misura delle sanzioni.
Art. 2- Campo Application
Standards Regulation apply to the entire territory of Monte Petrano falls within the municipality of Cagli excluding built-up areas for tourism, residential or agricultural private property. The regulation does not apply within edifici.Le rules, however, Articles 10, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 42, 44, 46 and its system of penalties also apply to areas free from buildings of built-up areas. The rules do not apply in areas of the state property, except in limited portions open to public use to the public and users.
Title II - Usability
3 - Application green
Green, routes, public facilities are accessible to all leisure activities and conduct of physical and social mobility, rest, study and observation natura.La City Council may, however, identify green areas to be managed directly or concessions also on the plateau of Mount (for the plateau means the green areas above 900 m above sea level) to which access may be subject to the payment by the public for a ticket to order to better protect and enhance these areas. Any third-party management concession, identified according to criteria of transparency and openness, is subject to payment of an amount a favore del Comune di Cagli e l’ammontare del possibile biglietto d’accesso è determinato preventivamente nel bando. Qualora la gestione sia effettuata direttamente dal Comune di Cagli il possibile biglietto è determinato periodicamente dalla Giunta Comunale.
Art. 4- Criteri di comportamento
Tutti sono tenuti a rispettare le aree verdi ed agricole e i manufatti su di esse insistenti.Tutti sono inoltre, tenuti a rispettare gli altri frequentatori, evitando di tenere comportamenti e di svolgere attività che possono arrecare disturbo al normale uso del verde.
Art. 5- Responsabilità
Ognuno è responsabile dei danni di qualsiasi natura arrecati personalmente, by minors or incapacitated in his care and from animals or things that they care.
6 - Restrictions on the availability
The City of Cagli may order the temporary closure of areas for maintenance or for security reasons. It may also prevent or limit public access in specific areas, as indicated by warning signs, to protect particular aspects of the vegetation ol 'settlement and the nesting of green fauna.Il public benefited by organized groups, organizations or associations for initiatives of interest tourism or cultural (subject to agreement with the City of Cagli) is accessible in accordance with the rules and timetables established by the concessionaire in accordance with the provisions in Convention and the provisions of these Regulations.
Title III - Standards of Conduct for the protection of visitors
7 - The rest of the mountain
noisy activities are not permitted (except for agricultural sfalciatura such as hay, etc..), Which for the their intensity or duration disturb the peace of luoghi.Sono prohibited in particular: the noises, the use of amplified musical instruments and players, power generators not silenced, etc. .. Radio, television, hi-fi and the like, may be heard through headphones or volume that does not disturb other frequentatori.Deroghe may be granted only to authorized events by the City of Cagli and for the time and manner stated in the permit.
8 - Peddler
E 'may not make the itinerant sale of any product, or the provision of services or the operation of gaming or other economic activities, in the form of walking without the grant of the City of Cagli . When granting the dall'ambulante activity can be performed only at the site and within the days and times indicated. The grant is subject to the fee determined periodically by the Town Council.
9 - leaflets
E 'affixing or distribute posters, avvisi, depliant o simili, senza l'autorizzazione del Comune di Cagli e al di fuori degli spazi a tal fine indicati nell'autorizzazione.
Art. 10- Pubblicità
E' vietato apporre, anche temporaneamente, cartelli o manufatti pubblicitari di qualunque tipo e natura se non autorizzati dal Comune di Cagli e nel rispetto delle modalità dallo stesso indicate.
Art. 11- Segnaletica
E' vietato ogni tipo di segnaletica, ad eccezione: della segnaletica interna al pianoro e parti di Monte; della segnaletica stradale e della segnaletica mobile per le manifestazioni autorizzate (quest'ultima deve essere rimossa a cura degli organizzatori).E' vietato imbrattare con poster paints or adhesives manufactured goods and equipment from Mount or hang signs on trees.
12 - Costume
Visitors and users are required to maintain conduct in accordance with public order and public decency and good costume.E 'prevented from running on the plateau of Mount nudism, or otherwise move or stationed naked outdoors, even in a place apart. It 'may not move and stay in a state of intoxication or under the influence of psychotropic substances.
13 - Damage
Without prejudice to criminal penalties, it is forbidden for anyone to damage, tamper with, deface or cause damage to public and private property, and especially the furniture, equipment and artifacts of the Monte.
14 - Dangerous Games, and harassing
are prohibited all games and activities potentially dangerous to visitors in relation to the specific features of the area and those that may cause risk to public safety or danger of damage to Public and private proprietà.E 'banned archery, crossbow, the sling, the javelin, the boomerang and all other means of fire danger, and also prohibited the exercise of the model motore.E' admitted ' el'aquilonismo stunt kite traction and in general the operation of wind sports (such as kitesurfing, snowkiting, Skike, kitebugging, landboarding, etc..) only in the context of actions taken by associations and affiliated organizations, limited to areas covered by the agreement and the manner and time specified. Before the signing of the agreement must be tested for compatibility city of the particular sport with the primary requirement of preserving the grass of the meadows concerned.For 'not allowed on the Mount, throw, or deposit or explosive or incendiary bodies simili.E' prohibited the flying stones or other potentially blunt bodies.
Title IV - Movement of vehicles
15 - Transit of motor vehicles
E' vietato il transito e l'accesso di ogni mezzo motorizzato, compresi motocicli e ciclomotori anche se condotti a mano e con il motore spento, sui prati del Monte.
Sono esclusi dal divieto:
a) i mezzi motorizzati e i mezzi agricoli dei proprietari, degli affittuari, concessionari, o comunque di aventi diritto, limitatamente all'uso e ai percorsi di proprio diritto;
b) i mezzi motorizzati del Comune di Cagli per lo svolgimento dei propri compiti d'istituto;
c) i mezzi motorizzati dei servizi di polizia, forestali, emergenza in genere ed antincendio;
d) le motocarrozzette permanentemente adibite al trasporto di persone con difficulty walking only with an additional badge issued by the Mayor of the municipality of residence;
e) the motor vehicles specifically authorized by the City of Cagli and with the provided badge;
16 - Stop and parking
On the lawns of the Mount is always forbidden stopping and parking of motor vehicles. And 'forbidden to stand before the entrances of the lawns driveways, other vehicular access, pedestrian and ciclistici.I motorcycles and mopeds must use the designated parking areas. On the plateau of Mount "no parking and parking has the following exceptions: - the motor vehicles referred to in subparagraph a) of Art. 15, in the case where permitted by the Highway Code or the Public owners - the motor vehicles referred to in points b) c) d) e) of Art. 15, - the motor vehicles parked or parked in parking lots or spaces for that purpose specifically designed and reported - the motor vehicles parked or parked in the parking lots equipped by the municipality of Cagli or from the same data in concession and in the following article.
17 - attrezzatiI Parking managed car parks equipped or conceded by the City of Cagli are areas of the Mount specifically intended for temporary storage, including payment of motor vehicles used by the users of Monte.Essi are well regulated - the car parks are open during daylight hours unless occasions with special opening hours exposed to the inputs - in parking lots, also paid a share of parking spaces is reserved free of charge to disabled people (in these, you shall be clearly displayed on the vehicle the required badge) - in equipped parking is prohibited:
1) pass or stay outside the opening hours, unless otherwise authorized
2) 's access to vans used to transport things, motor homes or caravans, trucks of any size, means of 'work;
3) stand outside the permitted areas;
4) washing vehicles or perform maintenance, repair or the like;
5) camp out in the vehicle is stationary;
6) setting up tents, tables, barbecue, light fires, lead horses, do games.
18 - Cautions of occupancy of vehicles
The motorized vehicles authorized in writing to transition the internal roads of Monte (including meadows), generally need to travel with scrupulous respect for the environment and the users of the Mount only roads, cart tracks or complies with the following additional requirements: - Do not exceed the speed limit of 30 km / h - to cyclists and pedestrians should be given priority over vehicles; - anyone who, having title, access to the fields from an Access Service or closed by a barrier is required to close the barrier unless otherwise authorized - no copy or deliver the keys of the barriers to third parties access to the meadows.
Art.19-bicycles and bicycles motorizzatiLe not normally have to travel on bike paths (if any), on established paths and tracks with the exception of areas reserved for pedestrians, according to the general rules of the road, on the slopes and scarps on the movement fuoripista.I cyclists must proceed on the plateau at moderate speed, leave to pedestrians, adjust the speed so as not to exceed 15 km / h, and not pose any danger to persons or conduct of animali.La bicycles must still be characterized by great caution, even in relation to the crowded conditions of Monte.Le same rules apply to the use of skates, scooters, tables on wheels and the like. These can not be used on the lawns of Mt.
Title V - Regulations for dogs
20 - Conduct of dogs
Dogs must always be taken to guinzaglio.Con appropriate signs indicating the areas where dogs can be left as well as areas in which you are prohibited from accesso.E 'forbidden to bring dogs in the fountains, canals, waterways and areas umide.E' still forbidden to drive i cani in modo da porre in pericolo l'incolumità delle persone e degli altri animali.Gli agenti di vigilanza possono, qualora ravvisino pericolo per la pubblica incolumità, disporre l'immediato allontanamento dai prati di cani, ovvero ordinare ai proprietari l'uso congiunto della museruola e del guinzaglio.
Art.21- Addestramento cinofilo
Su tutta l'area del Monte è vietato addestrare cani da caccia, difesa o guardia fatte salve le iniziative di gruppi organizzati, associazioni o enti appositamente convenzionati con il Comune di Cagli nel rispetto dei periodi e modalità indicati nella convenzione e sempre entro le porzioni di area opportunamente specificate.
Art.22- Abbandono di animali
E' vietato abbandonare cani o altri animali sul Monte.Gli agenti di vigilanza hanno facoltà di catturare i cani rinvenuti legati o abbandonati sul monte e di custodirli per 24 ore; trascorso tale termine gli animali sono consegnati ai servizi veterinari della competente A.S.U.R..
Titolo VI - Norme per l'equitazione
Art.23- Equitazione
Sui prati del pianoro del Monte è vietato l'accesso e il transito di cavalli ed equini di qualsiasi specie.Il divieto non si applica a:
a) cavalli in dotazione alle forze di polizia, sia nell'espletamento del servizio di presidio del territorio che in attività di addestramento;
b) brought horses grazing on the Mount (with the exception of the plateau) under a special concession granted by the City of Cagli and in strict compliance with the conditions set out in the public
c) horses authorized under subsequent articles, horses as well as individual initiatives or activities in agreement with the Comune.Eventuali handling activities must be authorized by the City of Cagli.L 'access to and transit through the Mount of horses, referred to in subparagraph c) shall be conducted in accordance the precautions laid down the following article.
Art.24-Riding recreational or sporting activity
recreational riding, autorizzata ai sensi del successivo articolo, è consentita nel rispetto delle seguenti norme:
- l'equitazione è consentita dall'alba al tramonto ad eccezione di determinati giorni nei periodi di maggiore rilevanza turistica;
- il cavallo può essere condotto sul pianoro esclusivamente al passo; è vietato condurre gli animali in altro modo, compiere salti, esibizioni, prove o comunque mettere in atto qualsiasi atteggiamento che possa costituire pericolo per la pubblica incolumità o danno al patrimonio pubblico;
- l'equitazione è vietata nelle giornate di pioggia, neve o maltempo;- l'equitazione, sul Monte, di norma deve svolgersi sulle piste sterrate, on the grass at the side of the pedestrian and bike paths or side of the plots is;
- riding is prohibited in the areas of reforestation, including paths that cross them, shrubby areas, canals, and wetlands adjacent in other areas specifically prohibited by warning signs in areas with automatic irrigation and less than mt. 3.00 from young plants in a row;
- pedestrians and cyclists, has reserved the right of the knights;
- holders of approved riding schools are required to remove the manure from the horse trails;
- riding is prohibited to minors unaccompanied by an adult and inexperienced.
Without prejudice to the criminal and civil penalties, the driver of the horse, for failure to comply with regulations, responds with the payment of the fines provided for in this Regulation jointly with the pet owner. The officers are in supervisory any time, for reasons of safety or protection of public property, arrange for the immediate removal of riders from the Mount or separate area of \u200b\u200bit.
Authorization Authorization riding has a duration of one year and is issued to the owner of the horse as follows
a) request to the City of Cagli together possession of a copy of the animal;
b) payment of the refund request to the treasury of the entity;
c) signing has read and perfect knowledge of the rules established by these Regulations on horse;
e) delivery of a copy of the insurance policy against civil liability.
The rider must be in possession of a copy of the documents allowed in order to ready their performance on richiesta.Il horse owner is required to have insurance for damages against third parties. Persons other than the owner (over the validity of insurance coverage) must sign and carry the following is a statement of vision and knowledge of Regolamento.Il annual number of permits may be subject to quotas by resolution of the City Council, in accordance with the load compatible with the environment. The authorization may be subject to lump-sum refund of the resulting compensation expense Secretarial and repair pathways. Reimbursement is determined by resolution of Giunta.L 'permission is always revocable.
Title VII - Protection of Land
Art.26-Occupation of public land and use of areas
E 'also prohibited the employment of temporary public land without a license, the City of Cagli and payment of the tax. The prohibition non si estende alle occupazioni del suolo e sottosuolo stradale consentite dall'Ente proprietario della strada.L’utilizzo di aree delimitate del Monte per fini turistici, culturali, sportivi, sociali è oggetto di specifica concessione (o di contratto di affitto) e contestualmente assoggettato al pagamento di una tariffa determinata periodicamente dalla Giunta per unità di 1000 mq per ciascun giorno di utilizzo. L’utilizzo del Monte per fini agricoli (tra i quali il pascolo di equini, bovini, ovini, ecc.) è assoggettato al pagamento di una tariffa o di un corrispettivo ed è oggetto di concessione o affitto per aree o per singole attività (pascolo, sfalcio, ecc.). La Giunta nel dare pubblico avviso determina l’importo minimum and proceeds with the highest bid within the deadline. The grant for agricultural activity can not in any way preclude or limit excessive tourism activities, cultural, sporting or social pianoro.Il grazing on the meadows of the plateau of Mount is prohibited. The lawns of the Mount, in particular those of the plateau, can not be subjected to agricultural activities that modify or otherwise alter significantly the turf. So on the Mount is always excluded from any activity that is allowed arable and pasture, cutting of forests, reforestation, hawk hay and similar activities.
Events The collective activities and tourist events, sporting events (excluding those falling within the motor), folklore, propaganda, cultural promotion of the territory and the town of Cagli, educational, entertainment and the like, which take place on the Mount (for days) and in particular on the meadows of the plateau must always be approved in advance by the City of Cagli that makes any guarantees and requirements and to pay the rates set periodically by the Board Comunale.Gli organizers must strictly comply with the requirements and in particular on the restoration and Clean the area and paid any required surety bonds as a guarantee for damages. Who makes responsible for serious errors and / or damage can not obtain permits for demonstrations throughout the municipality for a year solare.Le associations (particularly with regard to non-profit and non-profit organization) and entities carrying out the events and activities listed above if have obtained the prior support of the City of Cagli can get use Mount demarcated areas for free or reduced rate of 50% provided sign bilateral agreement with the City of commitment to their care costs and contribute to the preservation and enhancement of Mt. This can be done by handling or taking charges related to, but not limited to: management bagni pubblici e/o spazi pubblici attrezzati destinati al ristoro; la sorveglianza; la raccolta sistematica dei rifiuti abbandonati sui prati, ecc..Il rilievo della manifestazione o dell’attività e la sua reiterazione negli anni insieme all’entità di impegni inerenti la tutela e valorizzazione nonché alla natura non lucrativa della manifestazione oppure dell’associazione o ente sono gli elementi in forza dei quali la Giunta Comunale, dopo la concessione del patrocinio, può concedere la riduzione della tariffa del 50% o il suo abbattimento integrale.Le attività e manifestazioni di cui sopra devono essere coordinate annualmente in maniera tale da non creare sovrapposizioni tra le stesse o comunque di interferenza rilevante, anche however, to ensure the free use of the Mount, or at least large parts of the plateau to individual users.
E 'may not set up campsites, tents, or at least stay on the Mount (whether alone or in combination that is) for a period exceeding 24 consecutive hours without the permission of the City of Cagli: authorization (relevant and clearly identified areas of the Mount) always subject to the protection of turf and, more generally, aesthetic and organic green areas. Camping or accommodation in any case can not be allowed in the forests, wetlands, parcheggi.Il in the assembly of tents, to training, aeration, cleaning, only allowed on the lawns of the Mount for a maximum period of two ore.Il City of Cagli may, under the agreement or the lease or grant or loan, to allow (within specific areas and clearly identified) the management of campsites on the lawns of plateau of Mt.
Art.29 Camera-photo-film business
E 'may not make filming and professional photography for commercial or for profit, however, without the grant of the City of Cagli.
Art.30-Orti and shacks
E 'prohibited plant gardens, build shacks or huts, except in any areas outside the plateau, especially for and equipped by the City of Cagli.
E 'prohibited the fencing of agricultural land. The fence is permitted to protect the building, and breeding animals with the terms and procedures established by the City of Cagli.
on the whole area of \u200b\u200bMount is prohibited rifiuto.I abandonment of all types of users and users must deliver its waste in bins or containers.
Except for the storage of manure, is prohibited on all areas of Mount both public and private, including temporary storage of materials of any kind outside the areas of relevance of the agricultural settlements, tourism, construction sites or where materials are used (except for temporary exemptions for construction sites during the actual execution of the work).
Title VIII - protecting the natural
E 'allowed the cutting of forests, while it is forbidden to cut plants placed in rows along the edge of roads, provided that such operations are executed or authorized by the technical bodies of the municipality of Cagli consultation with other bodies responsible for cutting materia.Il isolated plants and those of private gardens is subject to complaint to the City of Cagli and the appropriate bodies.
art. 35-cultivation operations
operations of pruning, plant health treatment of dendrochirurgia carried out on high trees are subject to authorization by the City of Cagli that, in consultation with other relevant bodies, it may make all 'observance of technical requirements.
Art.36-Damage to vegetation
are permitted routine maintenance (cutting grass, trimming hedges, etc. ..), are prohibited while on the plateau, the ordinary agricultural practices (plowing, sowing, etc. .. ). E 'must not damage, remove, cut the vegetation of any kind, either tree or shrub, except as provided in Articles precedenti.E 'Do not remove or sell the grass and the surface layer of soil.
art.37-native flora and medicinal plants
E 'prohibited the removal of flowers from trees and shrubs, are permitted harvest of wild flowers, provided that no protected species, up to a maximum of six specimens per species per person. The collection of medicinal plants (and other specially designated by the City of Cagli) is subject to authorization (which may be general or special) and is regulated by state laws and regional.
E-Frutti 'not collect, remove, transport, or trade the fruits of trees or shrubs. And 'allowed the collection of food for immediate consumption of fruit trees or shrubs, provided it is done without damaging the plants, get in, strike, or use any tool.
Art.39-tartufiLa collecting mushrooms and wild mushrooms and truffles is allowed to those who are equipped with the special card issued by the Montana Community and / or other appropriate body (or the City of Cagli where it has been set up special reserve ) from dawn to dusk (for up to 2 kg per person in case of fungi). It 'may not make use of rakes, hooks or other means that may damage the humus layer, it is forbidden to use containers or floppy plastic. E 'partially decomposed or forbidden to pick mushrooms without determining the share riconoscimento.E' prohibited the collection of fungi in the areas of reforestation.
Art.40-Preservation of trees
E 'may not climb trees, build platforms, huts or similar hanging cords, stretch cords, boards nailed to the trunks or other.
E 'forbidden to light fires in the open except for limited dining areas (if any) for this purpose equipped with special tables and fireplaces and still taking care of the complete and perfect off after use.
art.42- Fire Protection
During the alert, decreed by the competent forestry authorities, in the woods and up to 100 meters from them is no smoking, open flames, or do anything that might cause a fire.
in springs and streams is prohibited: - use water to wash vehicles, clothing, people or animals, - throwing objects of any kind - or tip waste enter hydrocarbons or any other substance - remove water.
-hunting activity is prohibited for hunting in the meadows of the plateau of Mount exception of actions specifically authorized by the City of Cagli in certain periods and for specific purposes.
Art.45-Protection of wildlife
E 'must not damage, disturb, harass, capture or kill animals, collect or destroy their nests, damage or destroy their environment, take possession of animals found dead, abandoned or buried the protection of wildlife animals morti.Per less (shellfish, etc.). you shall observe the provisions of the regional laws.
Art.46-Launch of animals
in the whole area of \u200b\u200bMount is forbidden (outside of the initiatives covered by a special convention hall) to introduce species without prior authorization from the City of Cagli, which verifies the environmental and possibly also the health hazard. The prohibition does not extend to the activities of animal husbandry farms on Mt.
Art.47-grazing of sheep and transit
on the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe plateau is prohibited or semi-grazing and allowed the passage of flocks of sheep, goats, etc.. if specifically authorized by the City of Cagli.
Title IX - Final provisions
Art.48-penalty system
Failure to comply with the requirements of the Regulations, if they have no criminal law, or is sanctioned by the laws of the State or region, shall be punished with administrative penalty from a minimum of € 50,00 for up to a maximum of € 1,000.00 in accordance with art.106 and subsequent, TULCP March 3, 1934, No. 383.A this end, the City Cagli shall, in general, and for each type of violation, to determine the minimum and maximum amount of penalty, even for the resulting reduced payment under article 16 of Law No. 24 November 1981 689.Tale determination, in the first application, chart is Attachment A to these Regulations, to be updated periodically under the preceding paragraph. The payment of the fine does not relieve the offender from the obligation to pay damages caused by its comportamento.Gli supervisory staff have the power to remove the offender from the place where the violation occurred.
are required to enforce the Regulations of the city police, forest rangers, the voluntary eco-guards and the police and judicial administration of the State of the Region, the Province, each because of their competence.
Art.50-Entry into force
The Regulations can be enforced following the publication of the Roll of the City of Cagli.
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