Nei giorni scorsi è apparso sulle pagine del Resto del Carlino un interessante articolo in merito alle bellezze naturalistiche della Valle del fiume Bosso presso Cagli.

In merito interviene Vincenzo Mei, Capogruppo di Uniti per Cagli in Consiglio Comunale:
“Spesso talking about maintenance and enhancement of land in the hinterland but then when we really "from home" for natural emergencies are important, not just do nothing for their protection and enhancement.
It 's the case of our beautiful rivers and their valleys. The current back problem especially in summer, then silence falls.
In the above article was aptly pointed out this aspect. The valley of the River Boxwood is an asset to preserve and protect, it is spoken but often nothing is done about it.
I think it is high time that municipal and provincial administrations, each in their powers to intervene with a joint enhancement and protection.
do not have to theorize about the "heavy" that would probably be harmful, some intervention would be enough to clean the banks, the implementation of appropriate tourist posters with information on the most interesting sites, as well as a strong government action to get those "releases" on Reliable and Jordan talked about for time immemorial.
could also be useful to realize, to the side of the road, a "cycle" between Cagli and bucket, possible intervention, non-invasive and relatively expensive.
I remember that in the offices of the town of Cagli lies, since the nineties, a Professor. Alberto Ferretti which proposes the creation of a "river park" and a plenary Green Valley Bosso.
that proposed to date if they have not done anything. It would be really appropriate for the local authority concerned considering the resumption, finally, the ability to concretize it. "
“Spesso talking about maintenance and enhancement of land in the hinterland but then when we really "from home" for natural emergencies are important, not just do nothing for their protection and enhancement.
It 's the case of our beautiful rivers and their valleys. The current back problem especially in summer, then silence falls.
In the above article was aptly pointed out this aspect. The valley of the River Boxwood is an asset to preserve and protect, it is spoken but often nothing is done about it.
I think it is high time that municipal and provincial administrations, each in their powers to intervene with a joint enhancement and protection.
do not have to theorize about the "heavy" that would probably be harmful, some intervention would be enough to clean the banks, the implementation of appropriate tourist posters with information on the most interesting sites, as well as a strong government action to get those "releases" on Reliable and Jordan talked about for time immemorial.
could also be useful to realize, to the side of the road, a "cycle" between Cagli and bucket, possible intervention, non-invasive and relatively expensive.
I remember that in the offices of the town of Cagli lies, since the nineties, a Professor. Alberto Ferretti which proposes the creation of a "river park" and a plenary Green Valley Bosso.
that proposed to date if they have not done anything. It would be really appropriate for the local authority concerned considering the resumption, finally, the ability to concretize it. "
Vincent Mei
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