Friday, November 27, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Rent Arena

Alla ricerca della maddalena perduta

Il titolo, a metà tra Proust e Indiana Jones, è letterale e dà la misura della mia schizofrenia culturale. Credo di aver ignorato l'esistenza delle maddalene industriali fin ad almeno i 10 anni di età. Ignorato nel senso che non le conoscevo: per me le maddalene si compravano fresche dal panettiere e siccome, con buona pace dei "Monsù" francesi, finora le ho viste proposte nella pasticceria artigianale solo a Napoli  e dintorni, accanto alle cartucce e alle prussianine, per me sono sempre state un dolce napoletano. Confesso la mia ignoranza and I'd like to know whether these sweets can be found elsewhere in the bakery. After 10 years, I continued to ignore the existence of Maddalene wrapped: skip in the sense of pretending to anything, the taste was too different from what I remember, so I preferred to do without it.
For a while in high school I must have wondered why Marcel dunking a Neapolitan cake in his tea, and then realize that the road had Dolcino shaped boat to reach me. I must confess that I have not tasted a madeleine in France, and I am very curious.
fact is that they are looking for the recipe Maddalene a while ', I consulted many books and many experts, and made many unsuccessful attempts many onlookers. Why I was not looking for the recipe Madeleins but Maddalene, who knows a Dolcino slightly almond, from mixing compact and spongy, but not particularly soft, which "annozza 'a little', in other words.
In the end, as always, the recipe I had it under his nose, but I had to go and live in Siena to find it, that was enough to adjust the mixture used for pinolata , which proved to be a rather versatile dough because it has given rise to these cookies here.
Although I owe it to the decisive intervention vicemamma, who explained to me that you want to make almond flour, but, alas, must to the aroma of almond necessarily use the blessed vials. The search is over, now it opens a substitute for the natural aroma of almond:)

Magdalens SIGH

1 egg 50 gr soft butter 40 g sugar

60 g flour 1 / 2 bottle, the aroma of almond

Beat butter until creamy, add the eggs well and place the mixture with electric whips. Then add the sugar and then flour and almond aroma. Butter the appropriate molds and bake in preheated oven at 170 ° C for about 15 minutes, or until risen and golden.

Che dire, il risultato mi ha pienamente ripagato delle prove fatte (alcune delle quali hanno dato dei risultati sorprendenti che prima o poi posto). Come si vede dalle mie orribili foto sono persino riuscita ad ottenere il cupolino sopra :) Non so se sia la ricetta tradizionale, originale, ecc ma erano tanto buone!! Se usate lo stampo in silicone, la parte inferiore delle maddalene potrebbe uscire molto lucido, e fa un effetto un po' strano. Per evitarlo imburrate leggermente lo stampo.


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