dreams often disappear with the awakening. Sometimes however, are in the space of inner awakening, in the flash of vision, they become a breeding ground for the short-lived but colorful flowers or trees with long branches that reach into the skies of years, centuries, millennia. The dreams of Basaglia, as certain plants that grow between the cracks of the stone cliffs of abyssal, came many years ago in a difficult land, the soil hardened by the blood of thousands of young and ice boundaries unreal as that of Gorizia. And the hard way, since then, lashed by rain and winds of prejudices, clichés, they began to grow and flourish. Some of those bright seeds failed to germinate. Others, even today, produce - after forty years and more - shoots wonderful, unexpected. The discovery of these new, wonderful reality came to me during a series of meetings were held in the Park Basaglia, entitled, "Paths-verse", organized by the groups and the AMA Collective Sconfine line with the collaboration of the poets John Fierro and Francis Tomada. Una serie di incontri all'aperto, nel segno della leggerezza e della condivisione, tra i raggi di sole filtrati dagli alberi, dove alcuni tra i migliori poeti del Triveneto da due anni donano un po' del loro tempo e le gemme preziose dei loro testi ad un pubblico sempre attento, dove si mescolano senza distinzione cultori della poesia e persone con più o meno forti problemi di disagio, in quella sorta di allergia della realtà - spesso più che giustificata - che è il malessere psichico. Alla fine di ogni incontro, poi, ognuno può leggere se lo desidera i suoi testi: sfoghi, pensieri, versi perlopiù non nati per essere pubblicati quanto per dare un volto alle proprie ombre. Ma anche - come mi è capitato di udire con ammirato timore dalla voice very tense, dark waters of a young audience - fragments of visions worthy of William Blake.
This year, after the screening of a video Carmelo Fasolo which told the story of these meetings, I was invited to stay for what, in theory, should have been - I feared - the usual buffet of sandwiches made with mayonnaise, snacks and plastic bottles filled with yellowish liquid, the fragrant citrus, do not conserve now, nothing but the name. I offered a group of women called "hands-on". I soon realized of being projected into a unique experience, however, a glorious succession of delicate scents hit those present on the roof of the mouth aromas known and unknown, moving seamlessly from sweet to savory, melted together without screeching. The faces, the dresses of the women, the discretion with which the ancient rose-carrying jugs of water, lemonade alchemy, talked of the world, its many faces more or less distant. Never the same, united by the diversity that unites all things. And the sacredness of food, through which every day we have the chance to live, being careful what we eat, in communion with the world. The psychologist Corinne Michelin Mental Health Center of Integrated High Isontino, remember that these are "women with very different life paths between them, because at present no contact related to the Centro, because other family members or relatives of persons in charge and other because friends yet infected by the enthusiasm of those who started to participate in the project. "Perrazzo Dr. Franco, director of the Center, writes in fact, that fact is not only important to provide health care, starting by the wish to Basaglia to restore dignity and value of person who experiences this suffering, but also "opportunity, opportunities, opportunity, atmosphere, trading places, spaces to express themselves, to be together with others, to become protagonists of their own course of treatment through participation in social and cultural activities" . From this extraordinary experience, which continues, has created a beautiful book published by "Libreria Editrice Goriziana" titled "Knead" to be presented in Gorizia, on the premises of the Foundation Carige Monday 23 at 17.00.
A book full of important and extensive contributions, such as Carlo Petrini, President of Slow Food International, or Massimo Cirri, noted psychologist and host of the radio program on RAI 2 "Caterpillar". A recipe book of women living in and around Gorizia. But coming from neighboring countries such as Sicily, Istria, the Dominican Republic, Macedonia, or Algeria. But even more recipes, photos of their smiles, their hands busy with carefully prepared dishes typical of their countries, affecting their stories. Stories that are dramatic at times, but all, beautiful and true in their simplicity and depth. It is impossible not to recognize the stories of us, the people of emigrants. Petrini writes in the introduction: "In a world that tends approval, where diversity is seen as something dangerous or useless, it is our duty to remind everyone that diversity is the greatest creative force instead of existing as nature teaches thanks to the miracles which is under the biodiversity of species and breeds. It is with an open mind that great things happen ", which is really something new."
Kheira, Algeria, lives in Italy with his family for nearly two decades. Remember, a true poet, that when cooking feels, every time, be born again. His verses are made of orange flower water, almonds and cinnamon. Remember, it is necessary to give importance to all. To understand, in depth, the reality where you are living. That's why he wanted to learn, besides Italian, even Friulian, the language of the mother-in-law, her husband. "You want to learn!" He says. Kheira, along with all the women of this project, reminds us that just opening another can overcome the barriers, bringing up his eyes to look over. Reading these pages, after a while, 'we do not read more stories of foreign women but those of our grandmothers, mothers, sisters (and also fathers) with transmission in the food we cook all their hopes, their memories. Knead by hand full of love and attention, with the pasta of dreams.
Ivan Crico
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