Ripas (S 'ISONZU)
in Ripas Jaras de Nudd oru-oru m' boot logos de
isoladu splendor, inùe dae
always ràttat on petrarzu velàdu
de silenziu. S 'aera affogazzàda s'indùlchidi
cun delicàdu Alenu de Fiores' and sisìa; adda
in Fundu, cunsunta dae sa Lugh, Zenti
istrànza reposado a sa muda, Chen Isetta.
S'Ammentu dae meu s'ischìdat on sonnu
s'isgiàrit cun sos lampos - who annùnziana
up Chelu time - s'allùmant Subra
Puntas de àrvures, against ojos de sea.
Along shores clear of anything I start, or places where the desert splendor, where the pebble / is consumed by more and / blinded by silence. The air burning is softened with the subtle smell / the flowers of Jerusalem artichoke; down there, eroded / light, unknown people buried / in silence, without waiting. From forgot my memory is revived with flares / top that - foreshadowing the storm - / light peaks degli alberi, contro l'azzurro concentrated.
In ripas de nudda
oru-oru m' avvìo
de isoladu isplendore logos,
sempre si dae ràttat de su petrarzu
velàdu silenziu. S 'aèra
s'indùlchidi delicàdu alènu
cun de fiòres' e sisìa; addàe in cunsunta
fundu-dae in lughe - zente
a repòsada istrànza in Muda, chèna isettare.
S'ammentu mèu s'ischìdat
dae su sonnu
s'isgiàrit cun sos lampos, who
annùnziana up Chelu time
s'allùmant Subra Puntas de àrvures,
Chelu limpìu up against.
of the poem "Lisonz are proposed here two versions. A more philological adherent to the original text, and the other freely reinvented in poetic form. With us, Jerusalem artichoke flowers or sunflowers in Canada, tubers that are used for seasoning food, do not exist. The wild flowers are more like those of "sisìa, a strong stench. In Sardinia, pure blue color to indicate they say "eyes di mare" ("ojos de mare", pronuncia *osgios * de mare).
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