Sunday, November 2, 2008

Is Radiculopathy A Disability

THE ASSOCIATIONS WANT recalling again the implementation of the new traffic plan

"Yes to Ztl but if we do not penalize"

From Corriere Adriatico November 1
G. Bartoli
Trade associations write to the City placing preconditions

Addressing the Deputy Mayor Alberto Mazzacchera associations Confcommercio Confturismo and CNA have made some observations.
We share the objectives of providing the City a tool to streamline traffic and parking.
It is believed that the guidelines are set out in the draft for the most part acceptable, but, especially as regards the rules on the introduction of the Limited Traffic Zone in Old Town, subject to two preconditions:
1) a thorough investigation to analyze the traffic flow ;
2) the prior completion of some parking areas, particularly that located in the former Agip and the multistorey car park in front of Porta Massara.
In the absence, any work in establishing the Ztl Old Town, although at peak times, would be fatally damaging to all businesses that operate there.
"Hence our request to proceed gradually returning the appropriate part of the criteria for establishment of ZTL to a period subsequent to creating the conditions set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of these comments.
Consequently, the suggestion made by the municipal council during the meeting with the associations of October 9, that is to start immediately, however, only in the LTZ Corso XX Settembre in the late afternoon, it is considered inappropriate in the absence of implementation of prior conditions mentioned above.
suggest instead of proceeding with other tools to regulate the flow of traffic in the center such as:
istituzione nel Corso XX settembre a partire dal tardo pomeriggio (dalle ore 17,00) di un divieto di transito per tutti i mezzi adibiti al trasporto e al carico e scarico di merci;
istituzione della zona a 30 km all'ora nel Centro Storico.
“Infine, le proposte che aumentano il numero delle aree di sosta a disco orario nel Centro Storico trovano il nostro apprezzamento come quella che differenzia a seconda delle aree le tariffe della sosta a pagamento”.
°°° * °°°
Le Associazioni category, therefore, continue to hinder the implementation of any initiative to streamline the traffic and parking in the center.
While it is support to address the issue, the other opposing unnecessary and misleading terms such as flow analysis, as if speaking of a complex underground network of roads, and long-term objectives, such as Prior completion of the parking areas of the former Port of AGIP and Massara, known to long-term projects.
It is therefore clear that these are just a useless excuse for postponing the issue further.
He then smile Tip of the ban on the transport xx Course in September after 17.00 (and why not even on holidays?). Prohibiting an almost non-existent phenomenon is certainly a brilliant decision!
As to the establishment of the zone to 30 km / hour, which of course is by consent of our esteemed representative bodies, I would like to point out that if a madman were to turn around the square tank or along certain lanes at 30 km / h at certain times of day, would make a killing.
Vice Mayor Mazzacchera So honey, come on, you should do some minor retouching to the plane ready, and you begin to implement progressively As announced, starting immediately by ZTL. The public will pick up soon and everything will spin smoothly for the business as happened everywhere, because you get in the shops on foot, and the pleasure of visiting the center raises the life of a city.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Softball Quotes Sayings


main objectives to be pursued with a new plan of roads in the center should be:
* Return to the core of the city, a place that has always represented the focus and the relationship between citizens and of welcome to strangers, a better standard of living as now happens from time to all the historical centers of cities di tutta Europa e del mondo civile.
*Liberare gli immobili ubicati nel centro storico dalla morsa dell’inquinamento atmosferico ed acustico prodotto da eccessive concentrazioni del traffico veicolare al fine di rilanciarne il ripopolamento, offrendo ai residenti particolari agevolazioni per l’accesso e la sosta all’interno della città.
*Creare i presupposti per una diversa concezione delle attività commerciali da adottare nel centro storico, più in linea con quanto avviene altrove e meno legata alle vecchie abitudini notoriamente poco produttive.
*I criteri adottati dovrebbero fare in modo di salvaguardare le entità commerciali e produttive che operano all’interno delle zone interessate dal riordino della roads, so they do not have to suffer economic damage.
An obvious obstacle to the achievement of an adequate solution to the problem is the momentary lack of perimeter parking areas designed to accommodate the vehicles of residents who need access to the core of the city. It is clear then that it is now necessary to allow access to the historical center of the vehicles of tourists, offering them the possibility of short stops for the processing of fast or rapid buying practices. It is also clear that this requirement can and should be restricted to morning hours.

In light of the above, the draft plan for the road submitted by the municipal associations to , which can be read in full by clicking on the link below . html

effectively addresses the issues described above briefly introducing:
a-ZTL (restricted traffic only authorized vehicles, including the then-residents) of two types, one in time slots which can be divided into rooms, and a permanent (0-24) that affects mainly minor roads, (see Table 1)
-Region 30, where access is prohibited to heavy vehicles and where the pace must be contained in the limits compatible with the presence of pedestrians, (the historical center)
-the creation of an alternative route to the course consists of the axis of Via XX Settembre Lapis (now split into two sections at Via Source Dome);
-a mesh of pedestrian areas (AP) extended to the so-called "cantons" permanent (highly integrated by ZTL 0-24) through which it also seeks to build a pedestrian path that crosses the entire city from east to west by encouraging continuity with the pedestrian walkways from the areas of expansion, in particular from the bridge of Via Mameli on Burano.

At a later stage this could also be identified the ZTR (traffic residential areas) which should be removed from all the traffic components are not strictly local, recovering the conditions of full safety for pedestrians and cyclists. The ZTR would be introduced first in limited and very limited and on a purely experimental and, in case of satisfaction of citizens, extend not only the capital but also to certain fractions or portions of them.

was also followed the concept that, as the public land is a common good, in order to stop the use of private cars should be favoring the rotation of temporary employment in the area. To this have been identified within the center storico aree di sosta a pagamento ed aree di sosta a disco orario. Non esistono quindi nel centro storico, salvo qualche eccezione, stalli di sosta libera se non nei giorni festivi.

Ecco come i quotidiani locali hanno titolato la notizia dell’incontro sul tema della viabilità avvenuto il 9 ottobre fra l’Amministrazione comunale e le Associazioni di categoria: “Traffico e nuova ZTL: al via…i primi litigi” (Il Resto del Carlino) oppure “Nuovo piano del traffico: prima i parcheggi, poi la ZTL” (Il Corriere Adriatico). Praticamente hanno evidenziato una ferma opposizione delle associazioni di categoria (o meglio della Confcommercio, unica presente) the implementation of the plan proposed by the municipal authorities. Would be required "essential findings on traffic flows daily and hourly in the center" and the reference to the discussion of the new traffic plan to "after this analysis has revealed what the need for new parking to be activated." So trade Associations any constructive proposal, but only critical and trivial excuses to postpone once again the problem .

IMHO the plan proposed today highlights the following issues :

1. penalty of the residents in the area west of the historic center (Shooters, by Luzi, Tyrants and off via Purgotti) for excessive channeling of the north-south through traffic in that area (where, however, were identified, the only free parking stalls present in the center) in addition to the suppression represented today by the north exit sacrificed although useful two-way street Luperti.
2. criminalization of all residents in the historic center with the removal of almost all parking areas are free, solution, this, which is desirable only when they are ready the parking area of \u200b\u200bthe former Agip and the gym door Massara.
3. inadequate supply of spaces for parking vehicles of non-residents during the hours of open ZTL;

The first problem could be resolved by making the following variations:
- reverse the direction of Via Purgotti tract and viable way of Bonclerici;
- exclusion of Via di Porta Vittoria and Piazza Nicholas IV to allow the ZTL ' access via Purgotti;
- introduction of the LTZ 0-24 in via Mazzini and the stretch of road Luperti adjacent to the church of San Bartolomeo,
- maintenance of two-way traffic throughout Luperti away, with an emphasis on allowing the free viability for anyone staying in the area between the square of the Seminar and Course XX Settembre and introducing the ZTL 0-24 for those rooms Corso towards Piazza XX Settembre Seminar;

The second problema si potrebbe risolvere mantenendo l’attuale stato di fatto per le aree di sosta fin dopo la realizzazione dei parcheggi in programma.

Al terzo problema si potrebbe ovviare individuando ulteriori stalli dove consentire la sosta a pagamento in piazza Matteotti, in piazza Nicolò IV e nelle strade adiacenti. Spazi che possono essere individuati dove ora sostano abusivamente, ogni giorno, le auto e dove solo saltuariamente gli agenti di Polizia Municipale intervengono elevando le multe. In tali spazi però dovrebbe essere interdetta la sosta nelle ore di applicazione della ZTL. In tal modo si eliminerebbe anche il pessimo principio di imporre dei divieti senza poi farli rispettare.

Rimane il fatto che le Autorità comunali seem unwilling to adopt the plan without the endorsement of the associations and that these were hostile to the LTZ, well regarded by getting involved in a constructive analysis of the problem which should lead to approval of the agreed plan.

Then the City Council no choice but to proceed on its own, thus gaining the confidence of many citizens who are not represented by any trade association, but just waiting for a long time.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Heavy Head And Heart Palpitations


TABLE 1 - Traffic in the center

TABLE 2 - Stop in the historic center

TABLE 3 - Zone of the capital expansion

Larger image and comments, too.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ancient Shark Megalodon


This evening around 20:30 left a bang was heard in Piazza Matteotti, causing a sudden As justified concern about the few people in the neighborhood at that hour, immediately assailed by the suspicion of a traffic accident.
the area of \u200b\u200bthe accident
in a photo footage
The more timely to look out the doors of bars and a few animated windows have been able to be immediately aware of what happened: one of four lamps that illuminate the plaza, the south west, close to Via Leopardi, swayed alarmingly still, while below, a metallic gray SUV (and who else?), with the tailgate visibly bruised, maneuvered from advancing towards the front of the streetlight Palazzo Pubblico but not to stop to check the damage and products, but to make a quick reverse to the fountain square and taking off again in a hurry Leopardi to disappear from the scene and steal the astonished eyes of those present. In short, he ran, as if it were possible to go unnoticed by turning around with that SUV dented. Minimum minimum touches turn to a body shop outside the area. But I would ask that gentleman if he would have done the same if instead of the lamp he had met in his foolish reverse those two girls who were two meters from the accident. Maybe I will answer that there is a limit that prevents people from behaving uncivilized and that limit is certainly subjective. What if it was, the fact remains that this was an uncivilized behavior objectively.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Free Building Blueprints


CAGLIFESTA, the feast of the PD in the old town of Cagli, launched the conference in Monaco Alessandro Camaldolese Barban, prior of the hermitage of Santa Croce di Fonte Avellana.
With this initiative, PD Cagli wanted to give a strong signal to their fellow citizens, asking for a well-known and respected preacher of the current deal of Catholic social doctrines of Catholicism, for comparison, on these issues, with the positions of the left and PD in particular.

And Father spoke Barban Constitution and other constitutional Dossetti reminding Catholics, spoke about the work as the foundation of our Republic, the value of education, the principle of religious freedom, solidarity, understood not as charity but as a concession of the common rights. He spoke with his usual fluency and clarity in a conversation at arm about two hours. Until towards the end of the conference, some of these notoriously moved, even today, from a deep-seated, visceral anti-communism, have winced from the mouth of Father Barban its obvious proximity to the left.
But if they were attentive hearers of the sermons every Sunday Monaco reads from the pulpit of Santa Croce di Fonte Avellana, it should have been surprised.

For those homilies, in which of course never any mention of a political nature shines through, but always deal with evangelical themes with emphasis on rare clarity, the faithful are invariably inspire the feelings of every fundamental Christian love, brotherhood , solidarity, charity. Feelings, they immediately shared by all, but then, on time, are often disregarded when it comes to exercising the most common choices in life or when you are out in support of policy initiatives that have little to do with love , brotherhood, solidarity, charity, but they seem to better protect certain private interests.
do not know if Father Barban has or has not done a wise thing to take sides so openly before the public celebration of the PD: its institutional figure could draw some damage. However, he showed great intellectual honesty and selflessness, in the hope, perhaps, that the example is beneficial to the cause.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Laminate Floor In Boat


Friday, August 22, at 17.30, near the homonymous small church tucked around the Village, will host the traditional Feast of St. Emidio.
The church is there some sort "... in 1781 at the burial in that location of the bodies of those who remain victims of the earthquake of June 3, both in the cathedral in the city. Each year anniversary so mournful disasters used to be a procession of penance and suffrage in that church, but the ceremony was abandoned after the coming of the Italian Government, and went into disuse with the feast of St. Emidio on parade, and the Company, who was standing (Sac. Buroni Gotthard "The Diocese of Cagli - Printing Bramante - Urban - 1943).
Maria Paradisi, guardian of the church

The tradition that this event would then be celebrated on June 3.
Currently however, the date of this event changes from year to year: this year was set for Aug. 22. Instead, the day the Church celebrates the Holy One is August 5.
In the afternoon of Friday next, then, at 17.30 Mass will be celebrated.
refreshments will follow the traditional sober.

News Sant'Emidio
Emidio was born in the year 273, from a noble family in Trier, a town in north-west of 'present Germany, the limits of the Roman Empire. At age 27, he was a pagan family, being in contact with his peers Christians, approached the true faith to be baptized. For God's will he left for Italy with three friends, Euplius, Valentino and Germano, who arrived in Milan was a very important meeting with Bishop S. Maternal and order priest instructed him properly. He moved to Rome, there lived an apostolic spirit, combining amazing wonders. He was received by Pope St. Marcellino, who thought fit to assume the responsibilities of bishops, consecrated him bishop can apply it towards Ascoli, where he lived a community that was burning to have a pastor. Ascoli, which was destroyed by Pompey Strabo Pompey the Great and rebuilt by his son, was an important city located along the consular road Salaria, that united to Rome and the Adriatic Sea. Counted more than eighty thousand inhabitants, and it was a very important military and commercial center. Emidio enthusiastically welcomed the pope's wishes and went to Ascoli together with his friends. Along the way, was informed that there was an awakening of persecution against Christians, and then there were the best conditions to carry out its mission. He then directed towards the nearby Abruzzo, converted to the faith of the city and other nearby Pitino.
Ristabilitasi calm Ascoli went there and was greeted with great joy by the martyred Christians. The young man began Emidio, then, his pastoral work with great fervor: he preached, taught, comforted the suffering, converted and baptized, also reaching neighboring towns, also reached Fermo, where together with a pre-existing communities of Christians, was opened to worship the true God, a pagan temple. After just three years of intense and fruitful work in it, wonders, in 303, returned to Ascoli, when it had converted many pagans to the Faith and, among these also Polisi, the daughter of the Prefect of the city was captured by the persecutors, sentenced to death and beheaded at the place where today stands the temple of "St. Emidio Red. "
fell to the ground in a pool of blood, the martyr - traditionally - picked up his head, stood up, putting himself out to go to the 'Oratory of caves, where the faithful gathered for the sacred duties, it settled here for the eternal repose. Mani pitiful then composed in a rude tomb cut into the tufa. The Ascoli, then exhumed and brought him in the crypt of the Cathedral, where he is especially revered as a protector against the scourge of the earthquake. This follows from the fact that " He, in his own lifetime, had the power to order from Heaven, in his will, the earthquake which, when entered into a city, as Pitino in Abruzzo, or in Ascoli, the earthquake broke out suddenly collapsed and had temples and statues of the gods ... but not the houses! and even today, they, the Holy One shall take them into his protection " (Letter From the Past. "O Beate Emigdio" of Bishop Ambrose Squintani)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Examples Community Service Letters

TODAY "THE OTHER FESTIVAL "AT cloister of San Francesco

The initiative is the Global Village Solidarity Association of Cagli.
The association aims each year a project to be financed with the proceeds from the festival held at the Cloister of San Francesco.

For this year, on Saturday 16 and Sunday, August 17, 2008, will address the "Mikombe Secondary School: The project involves the construction of a new wing of the school through the collection of the necessary instrumentation a library and the establishment of a laboratory per il recupero della tradizione orale. Attraverso registratori, videocamere e computer si effettuerà la raccolta di fiabe, leggende e storie locali per poterle raggruppare in un libro che verrà scritto in inglese e chichewa in Malawi, mentre in Italia verrà stampato in inglese ed italiano. Si tratta di un elaborato che verrà diffuso come libro di narrativa per ragazzi anche nelle scuole con l’obiettivo di valorizzare una cultura altrimenti dimenticata.

negozio di materiali elettrici

Questo progetto assume un’interesse particolare poiché diverge dai soliti percorsi che noi tutti conosciamo. Mentre siamo abituati to see the West exported its culture elsewhere, this time will be a country almost forgot to do so. And this will be activated for a training course and in a second phase will start even in laboratories that will give space to the artistic traditions and not only Malawian orali.Per this project has already been applied for the financing of institutions and other public events have already contributed to its realization.

laboratory theatrical

In two days we will be able to attend two conferences, Saturday will discuss the implementation of funded projects and We will present the movie "appenninum nostrum", while on Sunday the discussion will focus on the experience of buying groups in Cagli solidarity. At 19.00 it will open the table with social ethnic cuisine, traditional biology and fair trade and from 21.30 on the two evenings will be enlivened by live music.