Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Incorporating Spanish Into Wedding Ceremony

Compleanno Italia #1

Today I had to take an examination in hospital. I went where they told me but there was none. So I thought I'd knock on the door bearing the name "voice" to understand what to do and who to look for. Busso and once obtained permission to enter I have to face two women: one sitting on the desk and the other in front of an open window. And another detail: the smell of cigarette smoke.
Now let me understand .... those who are the blame if our country is' in shit?

Italy Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Spider Solitaire Deleted

Comunicazione di servizio

This warning is for missing me ..
Forgive the absence ..... broadcasts will resume in about a week , this January is a bit 'full.
'll come back more pissed off than before, it's just whether you know it!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tyler County Tx Fort Teran

Niente Panico! #2

week ago was circulated news that left me not a little puzzled. U.S. sources have indicated that a small town in Arkansas - that Beebe - a considerable amount of dead blackbirds began to rain from heaven, 2 January 5000 there was talk of some specimens found squashed 'everywhere. Days after news about such incidents have been spread from other parts of the world: Sweden, Brazil, New Zealand and via chain in other parts of North and Central America and in Italy, Forli and Modena. Affected different species of birds, fish and crab, depending on the area concerned. Looking for news, and more than anything else replies to this "mystery" I began, as usual, to wander the Web. The common explanation are, in my opinion to the limit with the ridiculous: some argue that the cause of these deaths are attributable to the explosion of fireworks typical of the celebration of December 31, others think that the cause is the bitter chill, others even the animals were already sick, the scholars of Romania, after analysis on the carcasses of dead birds in their territory, have now spread the diagnosis of death by alcohol poisoning (the birds would eat the leftovers of the winemaking process) . And so on ... the web is full of information.
Many have almost cried at the "miracle" because the television series FlashFoward had described an episode in a situation very similar ... now ... I do not know this series but I just search through Google, and Wikipedia has kindly made it clear that this series was aired in the year 2009/2010...quando have been made in 2008 shooting ? Well ..... the creators of the series does not have powers of clairvoyance: looking for information about the nature of this strange event I found out that such phenomena have already happened (in the area of \u200b\u200bBari in Italy and that of Lodi, where a gentleman saw many birds flock together in an impressive and fall to the ground at the same time). I found no trace, however, no news flow as wide as we have known last week, nor any information about the possible causes.
Now ... this post is "pointless", I came to any conclusion, there are no clear answers and those that offer us border on the border between the vague and ridiculous. Forget the crap end of the world or those given to us by the media, and also leave out the conspiracy theories (which personally I think a little bit .. we are taking the piss is undeniable!). The only thing certain is that we humans (us all) is destroying what is most precious to possess without the slightest remorse, with the presumption that you have everything under control and have the tools to fix the damage it causes. And rightly Nature will also be broken bales of this parasite!
The summary question leads to two conclusions:
1 - if this story is the result of some experiments that are pushing ahead without our knowledge (proof of this is that we will never know what really happened, the media I'm tired already and are passed to hottest topics): we deserve it!
2 - if this story is the result of a response of nature to us for all the evil that is suffering: Well .... we deserve it!
In any case ... we're screwed!

Jade Iovino

Video interesting (a big thanks to Hydra that suggested it to me!) ENJOY!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Bmi Female Of Another Cpuntry

Consumo critico #8: Monsanto e Henkel

Keynote address: Pharmacia Corporation, 800 Boulevard Lindeberg , St. Louis, Missouri, USA - In Italy: Italian SpA Monsanto, Pharmacia & Upjohn SpA (formerly Carlo Erba Pharmaceutical).
Monsanto, a specialist in herbicides and defoliants in 1960 produced the infamous " Agent Orange, one of the most dangerous defoliants used during the Vietnam war *. Currently, Monsanto manufactures the herbicide Roundup **. It 'was the focus of several trials for violations ranging from environmental contamination, misleading advertising, breach of safety rules. In 1995, Monsanto has damaged the environment by downloading 1800 tons of air pollutants in rivers and soil. Monsanto also produces growth hormone for BCH forced slaughter of cattle is considered by many scientists as a carcinogen. Monsanto also, for some years he devoted himself to genetic manipulation, patenting, together with the ' Astra-Zeneca , seeds that can be used to a single crop, grafting the so-called "technology of death" that robs farming communities of their secular knowledge for the Protection of seeds. Result of this operation is to foster a monopoly on seeds that feed the world, and to make the sole beneficiary of the multinational sector (source: The Ecologist February 1999, homepage of Boycott! and homepage Manitese ).
Moreover, in March 2001 was discovered in the port of Genoa that part of the 3,000 tons of soybeans and corn imported by Monsanto for sale in our country, were genetically modified, very serious given the ban in Italy and produce marketing GM (source: GM April 2001).

* If you are easily impressionable, here you can find photos that illustrate the effects that Agent Orange had on the Vietnamese people, particularly children.
** Latest news about the Roundup: In 1996, Monsanto has introduced in the U.S. market, the GMO soybean and cotton seeds, revolutionary because it able to withstand the herbicide Roudup: herbicide that can destroy every plant body without damaging the plants arising from GM seeds of Monsanto. Farmers have begun to make extensive use attracted by the ease of management of the camps, who remained perfectly puliti senza alcuno sforzo. Oggi, passati circa quindici anni, una decina di erbe infestanti sono diventate resistenti al diserbante; una in particolare l'Amaranthus palmeri, detto volgarmente l’erba dei maiali, ha reagito con un comportamento biologicamente paradossale: la pianta infestante cresce ad un ritmo di 5 cm al giorno raggiungendo oltre i due metri di altezza, producendo rami che danneggiano le lame delle mietitrebbie (fonte: AgoraVox, l'articolo qui ). A seguito di questo disastro la Monsanto ha pagato, e sta pagando, i contadini perchè usino più diserbanti, anche quelli delle imprese concorrenti (fonte: Slow-food, articolo qui ).

Main address: Henkel KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, D40191 Düsseldorf, Germany - In Italy: Henkel SpA, Via G. Barrella 6, 20157 Milano.
German chemicals group with a turnover of approximately € 11.36 billion and employs 56,600 people (as of 1999). The company is active in the field of chemistry, adhesives for industrial and domestic use (trade Attack, Bostik, Loctite), detergents, cosmetics and stationery items (brand Pelikan). For raw materials we use is placed in constant business relationship with the South, from which it sources for vegetable oils. The group is in third place for the sale of detergents in Europe, after Procter & Gamble and Unilever . Nell'aprile 1996, Greenpeace ha indicato in Henkel Hakusui, filiale giapponese, uno dei maggiori produttori mondiali di ftalati , sostanze dannose per la salute utilizzate per ammorbidire la plastica dei giocattoli e come ingredienti delle pellicole per alimenti (fonte Ethical Consumer 57/99). Compare tra le imprese che sono solite sperimentare su animali i loro prodotti (fonte Compassionate Shopping Guide ed. 2000). In Italia è presente attraverso numerosi marchi di prodotti di largo consumo.

Tratto da: Miniguida al consumo critico e al boicottaggio. Realizzata da Movimento Gocce di giustizia. Ed. La Tortuga (ed. 2003).

Post subject
introductory critical consumption here.
Product List Monsanto, Henkel, and other multinational here.
Atre information can be found on multinational Transnationale .

Stomach Virus Columbus Ohio


"Study the past if you want to predict the future."
Best wishes to all for a peaceful 2011, filled with courage and will.