Friday, March 4, 2011

Eye Testfor License In Pa

Ci sono cascata!

After about a year I succumbed to boycott rampant.
I really like cooking, especially if I have to prepare something for others. Better still if these "others" are my boyfriend. Sometimes I like to cook things that normally you can buy ready-made, perhaps by multinationals, because I prefer fresh ingredients and some come from those used in the industry. It 'was the turn of the "drops", cookies with chocolate chips.
this boring premise makes sense in a post labeled "inconsistent". Yes, because while preparing these cookies for my boyfriend I gave in, buying drops of Perugina chocolate (and therefore Nestle !) ARGHHH! I found myself in a supermarket where there were only ones! What could I do? An intelligent and coherent would leave on the shelf, decided to prepare something else or go in search of an alternative in another store. I yielded, not without 15 minutes of contemplation shelf despondently and stupid. But I gave in, and I know different states of mind.
incazzatura the first: why would a supermarket is to propose a single alternative? Perhaps because the Perugina has a monopoly on chocolate chips, or perhaps because managers of the supermarket do not care a blessed bean who produces what and how? Would you say my Jiminy Cricket.
Then the resignation, if not there are alternatives and cookies ..... I want them to do ... The alternative is not buying! And do not those damn biscuits, would always cricket.
Then autoconvincimento Behold! But why should force me to buy this product? No one is forcing you, you ugly idiot! See maybe some sniper ready to shoot? That 's what they want! You believe that there are no alternatives! Make you think with that product you just can not live! Keep it down, let giùùùù .......
....." There are 2 € e. .. " It cost too much! If you buy the products of multinationals do not even save money!

I swear, I will not anymore! The next time you hear my Jiminy Cricket!
Restart the boycott!

Outdoor Lighting Eml E100 Series

Parcheggi invalidi: cittadino VS P.A.

As citizens we have not only duties (and I say to those few who still view them), but also rights. Occasionally, however, these are threatened by our ... "like" above, and very often by the public administration, preferably when the body cries. In the latter case, the PA does not 'many problems a mettere mani nelle tasche dei cittadini, meglio ancora quando questi sono ignoranti o appartengono ad una fascia debole.
La signora A. è invalida, residente a Varese. Le è stato assegnato, anni fa, il contrassegno che le consente di parcheggiare nelle zone riservate ai disabili. 
2010: Una mattina la signora A. si reca in centro per sbrigare delle commissioni e trova tutte le aree riservate occupate...non che questa sia una novità perchè non solo spessissimo i parcheggi disabili sono occupati da "abusivi" ma anche da persone legittimate che però usano tali aree come parcheggi personali sotto casa (ma è un loro diritto e quindi.......). Memore della dicitura presente sul permesso "..nelle parking meter zones or parking disc can break free and unlimited ", she decides to park in an area with a blue stripe and sets the mark. On his return is a penalty on the windshield. Runs the command of the brigade to clarify what believed to be an error but it is reported that a ruling by the Supreme Court ruled that the disabled have to pay when they park in areas where there is a fee for parking. When she tries to complain about their ignorance of this new provision she is reported that an article was also published in the local newspaper. A. Once home information on the Internet and decide to find out is that the issue has opened a huge debate: seems to be at the discretion of individual local authority to decide whether to comply or not the ruling of the Supreme which makes the situation at the point of absurdity because it is difficult to obtain information outside of your local council. The lady decides to appeal to the Justice of the Peace (at a cost of 33 €) for annulment of the penalty because the stop was made adapting the rules on the marking and taking into account that the judgments of the Supreme Court are not binding if not for the case to which they relate.
2011: heard by Justice of the Peace with the representative of the party, get the win. The court upheld the appeal of Mrs. A. supporting the validity of that reported in cash, which is also before the Court of Cassation. For the disabled citizens in possession of the flag is authentic, then, the Regulation on the back of that, then we must be careful when renewed also because if this was the beginning of a long series of victories by the applicant city administration City will certainly change the content.

I decided to write this post because I know that many people have been, or are in the same condition of Mrs. A. and often seek information on the Internet.
Non è un post che si propone di discutere sulla questione se è giusto o meno che i disabili paghino come tutti gli altri cittadini, o se è giusto che un disabile abusi di una prerogativa di cui ha diritto, anche perchè questo dipende da quando una persona è corretta.
Devo poi sottolineare che nel caso visto, il Giudice di pace di Varese secondo la discrezione che gli compete, ha accolto il ricorso. La sua decisione ovviamente non può essere considerata vincolante per altri Giudici. Può essere, però, un ottimo spunto per altre istanze di annullamento della sanzione. E, perchè no, un motivo di riflessione per i dipendenti delle pubbliche amministrazioni che capiteranno qui.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monterey Bay Aquarium Wedding Quotes


"There never is consecrated to a cause in which you trust. Nobody wants to fanatically shouting that the sun will rise tomorrow. When someone from a body and soul political or religious faith or fanatically supports some other kind of dogma or destination, it's always because they are a bit 'shaky. "
RM Prisig" Zen and the Art of Maintenance Motorcycle, 1974.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gumball Football Helmets

Un momento di pace..

[Photo found on the web ... if the subject were to happen here and you feel offended ... business! No joke, because I know I will be removing any legal obligation, argh!]
explicit language
It is now impossible even to take a moment for himself.
After months of seclusion to study I can finally sit in the sun on a nice bench, reading a good book in a little park overlooking the lake. Background humming birds, grandmothers strolling with their grandchildren, retirees who watch the ongoing work of the lakeside bench ... and some more in there, young fesciòn, which will surely bigiato have from school. They drink beer, rant like sheep and want to know the city who want to fuck. Now I understand why not go to school, not talking about pussy there! Hey hey hey ... do not take me for bigot! I was a Marcion and not shock me so much for a beer, the fact that they skipped school because they say bad words or so ridiculous to say the least!
will that human beings can hardly make your business will be that my concentration wavers after months and months of law books, or maybe they are having a really annoying tone. Maybe this is all together. The fact is that I can not not watch them, from time to time, puzzled. The apotheosis is reached when these beings throw the empty bottles in the trees. Here! Initially I climb a blinding rage and I'd love to go and tell him those two mandrills with diaper .. but then I remember the recommendations of the mother and boyfriend who are convinced that if I externalize preclude what I think some day someone takes my barrel . I give up. Then I am assailed by an infinite sadness ... in addition to the usual thoughts that emerge in the face of such great stupidity " eh but I do not like I was way to young! " ... but this time it's true! Do not think I ever reached a level so low, but not intelligence, call it mental clarity! Yes ok, I've never even bigiato school, maybe I'm the abnormal .... But certainly I've never thrown any kind of waste in a place other than trash ... better if different! ( but I know I ask too much! )
Here's why ... then the sadness in the face of certain images I do is realize with whom I share the world .. it is clear I do not care crabs but if the rest of the boys of 15 years, who have the desire to go against the rules of adolescence, I have no respect for the environment really fall his arms .. do not tell me that will change as adults because it is these small things that understand the lifestyle that will take a person. I, for example, that a terrorist environmentalist, I pissed off about every cigarette butt that incotrano my feet on the street, I can tell you the story of me that just a few years, more than 2 from the testimony of Mother, I sat on the chair shopping cart between her hands tight I held the papers of candy or whatever, then handed over to a garbage. And here is a question of being a child prodigy ( because they are not! ) and I realize that I demand so much, too. Basically I do not know why I told you.